Chapter 29

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.Lexa's POV.

"How did the Commanders send you? And why didn't one of them come?" Lexa asked Anya as they continued their journey through the city.

"They were able to use my likeness, creating me from your memories combined with my spirit to bring me here. Hence, this outfit and the hair. It seems to be how you remember me most clearly. And I have to say, it's a nice change," Anya laughed. "Being back in a physical body is refreshing."

Lexa's mind was buzzing trying to make sense of all of this still.

"They concluded it would be best to have someone you knew and trusted with you here. They also knew you would not believe any of them as quickly. You almost didn't believe me and I am much more familiar to you. You had only seen one of the Commanders in person, the one who held the throne before you, and the others you had only seen in paintings. They didn't think you would recognize them as easily here."

That makes sense.

Lexa was beyond happy that it was her former mentor and general here with her in this unfamiliar place. In some way, it also provided her with a little bit of closure since she had not seen Anya before her death. She thanked the Commanders silently for sending her this gift.

"Plus, like I said before, I know you well. I know how you fight and what your weaknesses are, although now, it seems like you have very few if any at all. So who better to fight alongside you and help you destroy this place?"

Anya was right. She knew Lexa's skills and weaknesses in battle more than anyone, even Indra. Indra had skillfully fought beside Lexa on the battlefield for years, but Anya taught Lexa everything she knew leading up to those battles. Every foundational skill, every defensive move, every attack that Lexa used so skillfully was thanks to her mentor. They had trained for years before Lexa was even sent to Polis and then also after she had become Commander. Most importantly, though, Anya had shaped her into a fierce competitor for the conclave.

"I would not want anyone else beside me." Lexa spoke from her heart and Anya accepted the words graciously.

Lexa cleared her throat. They had been talking longer than was safe. This city was really bringing out different sides of her, more sentimental sides, but she had to remember that there was an impending threat. There always was...

"Do you know what we are up against?"

"I do not know everything there is to know. The Commanders do not know either. It seems this City is an enigmatic foe." Anya appeared distressed that there was not more to go on. "They just know that this place is not good and it needs to be destroyed. You have seen what happens to the people that are here."


"We have to stop whatever this is before any more people are lured inside."

"What do we have to do?"

"There must be some sort of leader, someone or something that controls everyone and the city itself. We must find this person or thing and destroy it."

Easier said than done.

"Wait... The woman..."

"What woman?"

"The woman from my dream... ALIE."

"Oh yes..." Anya seemed to know who Lexa was referring to. The Commanders must have known who she was because they made her appear in the dream.

"There were two of her... They looked the same, but different..."

Who were these women? One of them must have been ALIE, but who was the second? Thinking back at her dream and the hazy snippets of the woman's face that managed to emerge, Lexa felt a familiarity. She felt like she knew this other woman. The second side of the same coin. But who was she? And why did she bring up different feelings within Lexa than her counterpart? She did not seem as much of a threat as ALIE.

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