Chapter 12

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.Clarke's POV.

Murphy was much harder to find than Clarke had anticipated. She had forgotten how rogue he could be, never one for following directions or sticking to routine. She had checked the room that he was staying in but was unsuccessful. Next, she checked the various dining areas and washrooms. She even resorted to asking the guards, but most did not know who Murphy was. Eventually she found him wandering through the stalls in the Polis marketplace. He appeared oddly relaxed here, walking among the Grounders, taking in the sights and city life. This could be all of us... Clarke imagined seeing Marcus and Abby strolling through the streets of Polis, carefree. Octavia would surely fit in and Raven could teach the craftsmen and metalworkers many things. This could be our life... One day... Clarke thought hopefully.

As she walked between various stalls toward Murphy, Clarke wished that she had spent more time exploring Polis. So much had been going on between the clans and with the Ice Nation that she barely left the tower. Stepping foot outside into the warm sunlight, surrounded by bustling workers and booths of all kinds, Clarke's spirit felt lifted. She inhaled the refreshing air and took in the many smells of Polis- cooking meat, carved wood, spices, metal being shaped... They all somehow brought her mind back to the leader of this intriguing land. Sure, the smell of nature, crisp and refreshing was reminiscent of Lexa, but occasionally, Clarke caught a different scent when passing by the Commander. This was it. The smell of Polis, alive and ripe with life and possibility. Clarke closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She wanted this smell to stay with her long after Polis was out of sight.

"Murphy!" Clarke called over the crowds of Polis citizens. When he turned to see who was calling him, Clarke raised her hand and smiled. Murphy stopped talking to the wood carver in front of him and began walking toward his friend.

"I was beginning to think I wasn't going to see you anymore," he commented as he stopped in front of Clarke with a slight grin on his face.

"Sorry, things were crazy. I got caught up..."

"Making sure your girlfriend was okay." Murphy completed the sentence for her.

Clarke nodded, surprised by his nonchalant statement. He did not seem surprised or bothered by the fact that she was in some kind of relationship with the Commander of the Grounders. He said it so matter-of-factly. "Yes..." she answered cautiously. Are we girlfriends? Clarke giggled on the inside. For some reason, the term sounded silly. She had never really labeled their relationship. Not that there was time to do so. Girlfriend does sound good though... Clarke thought. Though to her, the term "girlfriend" did not seem fitting for what Lexa was to her. Lexa was so much more.

"I figured... It's okay. It wasn't so bad hanging around Polis. This market is crazy. I met so many people here. They've got some pretty interesting stories."

Clarke wished that her other friends could be as open as Murphy. She wished the other Sky People could be as adaptive as Murphy. The Grounders were such amazing people, she wished her people could see this as well.

Murphy continued, "So, how is she doing?"

"She's healing still, but she'll be fine..." Clarke paused. She really did wish that Lexa had not gone back to her duties as quickly as she had. Murphy seemed to sense Clarke's concern.

"Lexa's tough." The two said almost in unison. Clarke and Murphy looked at each other and almost laughed, a smile lingering on their lips.

"She is," Clarke reiterated. Lexa is so tough...

"So are we heading back to camp?" Clarke thought she heard a hint of sadness in Murphy's voice. Does he want to stay here?

"I have to go back. I have to see what's going on... With my mom and with our friends." Clarke looked up at Murphy. "You're welcome to stay here though. I don't think Lexa would mind."

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