Chapter 11

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.Lexa's POV.

"May we meet again." Lexa felt a sharp pang deep in her heart. May we meet again, Clarke. It hurt too much to say the words. Every time the words were uttered, the pain dug a little deeper. Lexa had managed to get Clarke to stay in Polis for a few more weeks, but she was out of ideas and Clarke needed to go.

Lexa nodded and quickly turned away from the desperate eyes standing across from her. She could not stay in the room any longer or she would never be able to pry herself away from the woman she loved. She walked down the hall to the elevator with Indra close behind. A comfortable silence fell between the two, but Lexa could feel Indra's unspoken emotions, her curiosity. She could hear each small breath escaping from her lips as she prepared to speak but then thought better of it.

"What is it, Indra?" Lexa asked, voice impatient.

"It is nothing, Heda."

"It is not nothing. I can hear your mind working from here."

"I assure you, it is nothing important."

"Indra, ron ai ridiyo op." Usually Lexa would not care what one of her subjects thought or worried about, but Indra was different. She was one of Lexa's most trusted guards who she had also learned a lot from throughout the years. She was also one of Lexa's closest advisors and if Lexa had friends, she would probably consider Indra one of them. If she cared about any one of her subject's feelings, it would be Indra.

Indra sighed, unable to hide the truth from her Commander. "I see that you and the Sky girl have become close..."

Lexa lifted her eyebrow. "Yes. Her people have joined the coalition and as a fellow leader, we have spent much time together." Lexa could sense that Indra was keeping something from her. Irritated, she stopped walking and turned to face her subject. Indra stopped as well but avoided her Commander's gaze. "What is troubling you?"

Lexa saw a softness in Indra's eyes that was rare. It was a softness that was reserved only for Lexa and she had only really seen it once before... after Costia. It was this softness that stopped Lexa from unleashing her wrath upon the woman before her.

"I worry for you. For your safety. For our safety. We don't know if we can trust them still." The word "them" had a sting to it, a harshness, as if Indra could not even bring herself to say Sky People. Lexa reminded herself that Indra had been on the receiving end of the atrocities of the Sky People. She knew she had to tread lightly because first and foremost, she was a leader, and then she was Clarke's lover.

"I trust Clarke. That is enough for now. She is their leader and I believe that she knows what is best."

"But Heda, she has not been to Arkadia in weeks. She does not know what is happening there. We do not know what is happening there. Pike is their leader now and he cannot be trusted."

Lexa thought for a moment. Indra was right. Clarke knew as much about the Sky People and their plans as Lexa did right now, and this was not much. Pike had already shown what he was capable of and it did not fare well for the Grounders. Lexa just had to hope that when Clarke did return to Arkadia, that she and her people would sort everything out. She did not want to think about what would happen if things went wrong. She did not want to think about what she might have to do if things went wrong. Clarke is a problem solver. She will figure this out, Lexa reassured herself.

Lexa saw desperation in Indra's eyes. They both knew that things could escalate quickly. They could become worse than they were at the moment. The Grounders and the Sky People would both lose if this did not work. "Nou get yu daun, Indra. Clarke is returning to Arkadia and she will sort her people out. And as you said, Octavia is there. She will be helpful as well." Lexa only wished she felt more confidence in her own words.

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