There was three

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    Frank waits outside the tent door, lingering on the edge of it. Something firm squeezed her waist from behind, but she pays the body no mind as she begins to touch the fabric with her hands. When the boy from behind her leaves, she takes a second to breathe before entering the dark tent.

    "You're late." Blaize is up, sitting in her hammock with a lighter dancing in her hand.

    Frank knows she has been up and waiting, which is directly in the spirit of Blaize. The two are constantly trying to get the upper hand on the over, mostly through spying and secrets. Blaize is out of her element, preferring tactical trickery, but she tries to play along with Frank just to get to know the girl better.

    Frank kicks her boots off before moving on to her own hammock. She sits across from Blaize, staring into her eyes. Like chess, it is her turn to move a piece across the board. Moving her black queen forward, she nods her head.

    "So, when are you going to tell her?"

    Blaize drops the lighter, and thankfully it goes out before hitting the hammock. Not that she cares, her skin already feeling like it is boiling and bubbling under the surface. If it were anyone else, she would ask Frank how long she has known, but she knows she isn't going to get a straight answer.

    Blaize cracks her knuckles. They've been playing this game since they got there, and in this moment Blaize thought she had Frank in check. The tables have turned. Frank knows it too, and she smiles.

    "You are hardly in a position to talk about keeping secrets."

    "Aren't I?" Frank shrugs off her cloak, and Blaize has to stop herself from playing her white night too soon.

    So instead, she sacrifices a pawn as a diversion. "If we are talking about Charlotte-"

    "We aren't talking about-"

    "Then I believe it is you who is actually the one in trouble here."

    "So you would mind if I told her the truth."

    The pawn dies, and Frank's king moves just out of play for the white night. Now Frank has the upper hand, and she smiles through it all. After all these years, she never found someone who can play the game quite like Blaize. Sure, Blaize has yet to win, and probably never will but Frank appreciates the challenge.

    "I could ask the same thing."

    "But you didn't."

    Frank smirks, knowing she has one, although Blaize is only waiting. It needs to be perfect, and it needs to be at the end, otherwise the move is futile. With a white knight in position all she can do is wait.

    "Would you both keep it down?" Elizabeth's sleepy British accent drawls. "Some of us are actually trying to sleep around here."

    All she could hear as she tried to sleep was the muttering between the two girls, and it strikes her as odd that she is in a tent with an Australian and a Canadian, and never has been outside of England until now. As terrible as Neverland is, she somehow feels closer to two very different girls, from opposite sides of the world, than she has with anyone she has ever met.

    Still, she wishes they would shut up.

    Shuffling around, Blaize and Frank lie down. Waiting a few minutes until she is sure Elizabeth is asleep, Blaize finally moves her knight.

    "Your shirt isn't buttoned up properly."


So like, here is a oneshot. I'm struggling to find time to write right now, but if this does well enough, and you guys want to read more of them, I will upload the rest by Monday, and publish maybe a day or two early? It's tentative.

I like where this puts Frank and Blaize. What are the secrets?

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