How to Die

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Chapter 14

​ See, I didn't picture myself spending the rest of the day spying on Johnny and Alison, but here we are. They were hanging out in the girls' tent for a couple of hours, before Alison helped bring Johnny off to the beach. He uses a cane, one that belongs to Max but the boy has since abandoned it for better ones.

​It takes them two full hours to get to the beach, when it would take me at most half that time. To be fair, she's a couple months pregnant, and as far as I'm aware I've permanently crippled him. Which he totally deserves.

​She helps him down, and he mutters a quick thank you, although it comes out as a tank you, and she can't help but share a sad smile with him. There's not much else you can do when the father of your child can't properly communicate, or even walk on his own. Alison can love him. She can love him until the sun burns out of the sky and they both die, but she can't fix him.

​"Neverland is nice." She tells Johnny, resting her head it the crook of his neck.

​His shoulders tense up, but he doesn't wince for her sake. Damn it.

​"I can'tt s-see itt." He shrugs.

​Of course he can't. Johnny has always failed to see things that are dangling in front of his face.

​"At least we're stuck together." I can hear the smile in her voice, but I can't see her face. "It's sort of romantic."

​He peels himself back from her, shaking his head. I can only make out his silhouette. "No, itt's nnot."

​She looks at him, and he manages to pull himself off the ground, limping away.

​I get up, darting back to the camp, running there. It should only take me twenty minutes if I run, and I'm running.

​I figured out why I feel bad that I broke Johnny, not because he doesn't deserve it, but because his child doesn't. As much as I want to orphan their baby, I don't think I ever could. I never knew my father, so I don't know if I could do that to another person.

​Then again, I never said the world was fair. If given the opportunity I'd do it. Sure, I'd regret it. But I would slice open Johnny's neck in a heartbeat. One foot out of line.


​When I get back to camp, it's eerily quiet. I don't like it, especially since the sun is up right now. It's only been up since I started running back, but from the looks of where it is in the sky it's already begun to set. This is definitely the day, which means that the boys who are here definitely aren't sleeping.

​Someone's hands are on my wrists, and I try to spin around to spot who it is. No such luck, as they bring my body to the ground, shoving my face down into the dirt. I flick my wrist to send them flying off, only to feel their grip tighten on me. Magic isn't going to get me out of this one.

​I don't even see the hand, nor the berry that gets popped into my mouth, but I chew it down none the less. This is the berry that made me hallucinate, I'd recognise its taste anywhere. Its texture is odd though, smooth on the inside but slimy on the outside.

​I try to fight, but feel the fatigue in my limbs. It took a while for the poison to get into my blood stream, but I'm still not sure when I had begun hallucinating last time.

​I move to shout, but my lips are numb and my throat is hollow. This isn't good. It must have been the slimy coating that has made me go haywire. I can't exactly tell what it is though.

​Rolling on to my back, I can't make out the figure above me. It's dark now, as dark as night. Is this the drug or has the sunset? It's impossible to tell.

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