See no Evil

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Control by Halsey

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Control by Halsey

My feet dart along the forest floor, not daring to let myself be tripped. They rip roots right out of the ground, and kick rocks and dirt in the air as I fly back towards camp as quickly as I possibly can. I can't tell if Johnny and Alison are behind me, and in this moment I frankly don't care. They won't be much help for or against me, once I find out exactly where it is I'm running.

A girl was just brutalised. Something awful just happened. I should've taken those threats more seriously.

The sound I think came from this way, but I'm not entirely sure. It struck me in the throat, but I didn't pay much attention to its origin. Other than that its origin is pain. Pain pure and sweet that still rings in my ears even though its echo has disappeared, and the only things I can actually hear are my lungs heaving and the forest crashing around me.

As I'm running, my body hits a figure, and we spin in a circle as our chests hit each other. My dagger is in my hand before I take a second to decipher the figure in front of me. It's too dark, and there is no time. I push the figure towards a tree, only for them to quickly flip us around, slamming my chin against the bark. I feel a cold metal blade on my neck, ready to slice between my cloak and my bone.

"Don't draw your dagger on me." The weapon is lowered, and placed to my hand pinned at the tree.

I spin on my feet, ready to attack. It's Felix. His breath is heavy, and our chests heave as he looks me up and down.

His arms loosen from around me, as another person stumbles towards us. I only recognise the shape at first as human because of the long braid that works its way down the side of her head. Frank moves closer, but stands silent. She looks between the two of us, before coughing.

"What happened?" I ask.

Felix turns to Frank, and he places a hand on her back as she continues to choke. Blood tumbles out of her mouth, drooling along her chin, and she leans her head back against a tree. He continues to hold a hand on her shoulder, ensuring she doesn't tumble to the ground.

"It was Gregory." Frank croaks. "It's just back-"

Her words trail away as her eyes roll back into her head. Her knees drop from beneath her. Felix quickly wraps his arms around her stomach, his hands on either side of her hip bones. From behind, he manages to shrug her up.

"Are you alright?" I reach forward.

Frank nods, pushing my hand off with the little force she can muster. She points in the direction of the camp, as her arms shakes, falling back down.

Felix takes her arm, placing it behind his neck, and he helps move her closer to where she was pointing. Reaching forward, I wrap her other arm over my shoulder. Felix glares at me for a second, before shrugging off the thought, and moving us. We quickly bring her back to camp, and the fire pit in the center. Frank shrugs off of me when we get there.

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