Winter Break

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I leaned on Ashton as I sat in his room. His back aginst the wall and my back to his chest. Right away when the winter break started I started seeing him every day. He came to my place or I come here to his. Watching movies, playing games, or just talking. Today's movie... Santa Clause 2. Being Christmass Eve it seems rather appropriate. Ashton just played with my fingers as we sat there watching the movie on his laptop."You hungry?" he asked.

"A little." I said.

"Come one, let's go get something." We got up and we went to the kitchen. I pushed myself up onto the counter and sat with my legs crossed while Ashton made something. I looked out the window at the building snow. "Want a bite?" I nodded and he got a spoon full of Fruit loops and I opened my mouth. He moved it up and down making me move my head and laugh. He finally gave me the spoon and I hit his arm."What? He said laughing.

"Hey," I said he looked over at me." What do you think about the thought of past lives?"I asked he gave me a funny look.

I can't help myself. I mean Nora's memories are in my head all the time. Her shooting people with arrows, her memories with her cousin who's my brother now. Then memories with Theodore who's Ashton now. I can see Ashton standing here in front of me with short hair, blue basketball shorts, and a black t-shirt with the triangle Iron Man symbol on his chest but I can also see him with his face dirty, old clothes, and hair so long it passed his jaw.

"Like past life, I might have been a dog kind of thing?" He said leaning on the counter.

"No." I said."More like we were people in a past life and we're people now. We just have no memories from that life now." I said. I took the spoon and got another bite of cereal.

"What brought this question on?" He crossed his arms and looked at me with a small smile like I was a small toddler that was mad but was too cute you couldn't help but laugh at a little.

"Something Sky showed me. Come on what do you think?"

"I think it would be cool. My mom told me once that if it's true she thinks it's because we have lessons to learn. She also thinks that it could just be like recycling, why make a new soul when you have thousands of others that you could just use again." That does sound like his mother. Being in their house as often as I am, it means I've talked to his parents on more than one occasion.

Ashton's father, Thatcher, is a nice honest man. He looks like he would be a very tough man or someone who isn't all that pleasing but really he's one of the nicest guys you could meet, he runs his own Contracting Company. His mother, Beth, is a sweet woman. She was a stay at home mom till Ashton and his Two siblings got into their teens. Then she went back to her career as a publisher and editor. Two amazing people that made an amazing couple.

"Yeah, makes sense." My phone beeped and I took it out seeing a text from Sky. 

Safe House right now.

"I've got to go." I got off the counter.

"Everything okay?" he asked.

"I don't know yet. But somethings up with Sky." I gave him a quick peck on the lips then I ran off. I grabbed my things from his room and ran out. I drove in silence till I reached the safe house.

With Skylar, when it's an emergency it's an emergency. She doesn't like making little things an emergency. I also guess now that...I am who I am, it's even more serious. Knowing that I can do new things means I can kick butt. And if anyone hurts her, who's to say I won't dress in all black and get a mask and work my memory magic as Nora. I could do it...why not? My only problem is not getting caught. It's not the 1700's anymore. Today we have so much technology and chance that I'd have to learn through to get passed technology and cops.

Robin Hood (Completed+Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora