Dreams (edited)

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"Welcome home baby." My mothers voice beemed through the house. First, my brother crashed into me wrapping me with hugs. I even noticed Scott in the bunch. Skylar, weighed down by her boot, waited for her chance to hug me on her own. Two girls in cast and boots don't exactly hug gracefully. When everyone let go she hugged me. Lastly my parents got their hugs. I was dazed in all of it given the early hour and little sleep I've gotten since waking from a coma. A coma doesn't spare someone for the eight hours a night. "What do you want to do first?"

"Sleep. With no interruptions."I said making everyone else chuckle. "I swear people would get better faster if they just let them sleep."

"It's protocol Rache," Leo said dropping my bag next to the entry table.

"A crappy one," I said as Sky took her place next to me keeping a hand in mine.

"Honey, you're going to throw off your schedule." My mom said.

"What schedule? I can't go to school until the begining of next week. I'll be fine by then I just need a really good nap." I could hear not just the tiredness in my voice but desperation. My need to go to the woods, the wide open space, has depleted as my sleep has or it could just be coincidences. Either way I won't know until I sleep.

Emmet stepped up and kissed my forehead."She's right guys, lets let her sleep." I mouthed a Thanks to him. Emmet has always been the "Listen to the body" Kind of person so I'm not surprised to see him on my side. "I'm going to take the kids to school and I'll bring them back after."

"I'm staying." Sky perked up."I don't care if she's going to be asleep I'm staying here with her." Skylar sqeezed my hand with a smile."Together or not at all." Skylar told me in Spanish. We've said that to each other so much it's become our mantra. While we do pleanty apart there's things we refused to do without one another. Lots of firsts but more than often just as a comfort. When we're sick or in my case, hurt. 

As much as she tried to hide her guilt I know it eats at her and she doesn't want to leave my side until I'm back to full strength.

"Wouldn't have it any other way," I replied to her in spanish. My family hasn't picked up on as much spanish as me so it's nice to be able to just talk to her.

"Okay, Okay" My mother waved off everyone. "I'm clearly not winning this fight so everyone get a move on or you're gonna be late."

Everyone dispurst to where they wanted or needed to go including my father who's working so my mom has today off. They'll be switching back and forth so I'm not home in case anything pops up and I have to go to the hospital. That's the funny thing about head injuries even this far out, the doctors are very concerned for a long time.

Sky took my bag before walking with me up to my room. Entering my room I let out a sigh of relief. I didn't fail to hear disappointed. Disappointed? Sky walked in no problem and even happily. I stood just a couple feet in front of the door. My walls where half grey half white. A chair rail seperated the colors. My desk white but covered in stationary. All of the drawers under it were filled with more stationary. What can I say? I couldn't stop myself it's just never enough. Everything looked exactly as I left it. Only difference was my bed was made. I never make it even though mom still comments on it to this day. That too was a mix of grey, white, and large pink knit blanket at the end. 

And I hate all of it. I mean I've put up with it, the grey was because it was once one of my brothers room so I just worked around it. Except, it's not just the walls. It's everything. I liked nothing. The only thing that I did was the photos I had around but nothing else. So while I'll be sleeping in a comfortable bed...my room is just a room.

I made my way to my closet as Sky unpacked my hospital bag. I began changing into some clean pyjamas.

"Hey, Are sure you're okay? You've been acting a little off since you woke up."

Robin Hood (Completed+Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora