Deception dance and drinks

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, he's right here," Molly laughed and pretended to put her arm around her fictional boyfriend.

"Who's it this time?" Grantaire sighed. Bahorel raised his eyebrows at him but Grantaire dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

"This is Dodger, Artful Dodger," Molly said, smiling. "We've been together for about a month now."

"Dodger was sent to Australia, how can he be here?" Grantaire stated.

"Hold it right there," Bahorel said. "Who's Dodger?"

"A fictional character from a muggle book called... Ollie Twit?" Grantaire explained.

"Oliver Twist. Dodger's one of Fagin's boys. Fagin has a group of street urchins that go out and pickpocket for him," Molly corrected.

"Right, right. I knew that. She has fictional boyfriends that don't exist," Grantaire carried on explaining. "At the moment is Dodger, next book she reads will be whatever and she'll fall in love with them."

"Well, that's casual," Bahorel murmured. "Shouldn't we be getting ready?"

"Not all of us take an hour to do our makeup, Bahorel," Grantaire scoffed.

"I don't wear makeup, that's you," Bahorel snapped and flounced off.

"Come on we'd better get ready."


The great hall was lit up with candles and floating carved pumpkins lined the walls. Everyone was dancing apart from a group of boy's and one girl: Enjolras, Combeferre, Jehan, Joly and Molly.

"Where's Courfeyrac?" Joly asked.

"With his girlfriend," Combeferre answered.

"Courfeyrac has a girlfriend? How come no one told me this?" Molly asked. "And when will this classical music stop playing?"

"Yes Courfeyrac has a girlfriend, no one told you because we forgot, it only happened this morning and doesn't this music normally play at discos?" Combeferre told Molly.

"Well no, not normally," Joly stated.

"So who are you exactly?" Molly asked him.

"I'm Joly, I was at the meeting last week," Joly answered quietly.

"Were you that's nice," a voice from behind them said. Molly and Combeferre turned around slowly and saw James and Peter. "She rejected me!" James cried and sat down next to Enjolras. "Hey, how you doing?"

"Well actually..." Enjolras began.

"Just a phrase," James interrupted with a wave of his hand.

"Where's Remus and Sirius?" Molly asked. She was the only one comfortable with James' change in behaviour and acted as if it were normal.

"Sirius is with that girl in our house, Pony, isn't it?" James smirked. "And Remus is... is... actually I don't know where Remus is."

"Well I think he's a werewolf or something," Peter babbled. "I mean he always disappears when it's full moon." The group was silent for a while, well apart from James' hysterical laughter.

"Peter, Remus can't be a werewolf. When I said to start using your imagination I didn't mean that you should start making things up," James said. "Ah, Peter, you do make me laugh sometimes." Molly stared at James for a while, 'How thick is he?' she thought.

"Well, now we have that sorted, who turned you down?" Combeferre asked.

"Evans!" James sighed. "She's off with Courfeyrac!"

"We're only in our first year!" Molly exclaimed. "And your already chasing after a girl! Potter, your 11 years old, you don't know how to love!" Molly had touched upon a very good point but everyone ignored her.

"With Courfeyrac? But he's going out with Isabella," Enjolras stated, frowning.

"Wait with Isabella?" Molly asked.

"Yeah, that's reason number three," Combeferre stated.

"I don't care they're talking to each other!" James wailed.

"Your 11!" Molly pointed out once again.

"Just because you don't have a boyfriend," James grumbled and then turned to Peter. "Hey, Peter, you see that food table over there?" James put on a baby voice.

"Yeah," Peter mumbled.

"I'll give you the rest of my Berty Bott's Every Flavour Beans if you go and fill two plates of food for me." Peter thought about this for a while and then stumbled over to the food table. "What a loser," James smirked.

"Aren't you lovely?" Sirius' voice murmured.

"Where's Pony?" James snorted.

"Turns out she set me up and is with that psychopathic second year, Montparnasse," Sirius said dryly.

"I like Parnasse, he's alright," Molly said. "And she's only 12! How can she stitch someone up!"

"But he's a psychopath and she's a git!" Sirius exclaimed.

"And Molly's a pyromaniac who likes drinking people's blood," Grantaire's voice said simply.

"Is everyone just going to sit over here now?" Enjolras snapped.

"Look, mini Apollo, you don't know me," Grantaire huffed. "So you can't judge me."

"Mini Apollo? Who the hell is Apollo?" Enjolras asked.

"A person," Grantaire smirked and sat next to Sirius.

"What's put you in a good mood?" Molly mumbled.

"Lets just say that the teachers may not be sober by the end of this," Bahorel informed her with a wicked grin placed upon his face.

"Your 13!" Molly cried, holding back laughter.

"And your 11," Bahorel stated. "Just watch. Slughorn is hilarious when he's drunk."

"You've spiked the teachers drink?" Enjolras murmured.

"Aren't you one step ahead of us all," Grantaire said sarcastically and rolled his eyes.

"Enough of the sarcasm, thank you," Bahorel muttered.

"Just because you can't," Grantaire laughed. He stood up and stumbled over to the food table where he picked up a bottle of something from under it.

"How many has he had so far?" Molly asked Bahorel.

"Two," Bahorel whispered back. "I'm now getting worried, it used to be now and again but now it's all the time."

"He's 13!" Molly hissed.

"And once again you're 11."

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