Chpt. 2; In A World Where You Find Someone

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Chpt. 2 ; In A World Where You Find Someone


{trigger warning; gay slurs, mention of discriminating words, mentions of self-harm, mentions of suicide}


Third Person Point Of View


This is a bus full of outcasts. A bus full of people, who have never belonged.

Thomas Jefferson; too argumentative.

James Madison; too anxious.

Alexander Hamilton; too talkative.

John Laurens; too obsessed.

Lafayette; too French.

Hercules Mulligan; too girly.

Aaron Burr; too smart.

Theodosia Bartow; too innocent.

Angelica Schuyler; too witty.

Elizabeth Schuyler; too sweet.

Margarita Schuyler; too outcasted.

Maria Reynolds- Lewis; too misunderstood.

They all had a problem. Something that hung over their heads. It never went away.

They don't know it yet, but that's why they're at this camp. They're all outcasts. They are picked on, bullied, abused, their parents wanted them to be happy, and this camp was the solution. These kids will never know this camp is like that, they will be uncomfortable, was the reasoning, Martha Washington used in her argument, unless their parents decide to tell them. They would come here every day until they had friendships. Friendships that would last. Little do these kids know- because of social anxiety- they all went to the same school.

Angelica, Peggy, and Eliza, sisters with rich parents. Angelica, the eldest, protective of her sisters like they were her kids. Eliza, the middle child, you will never find anyone as trusting or as kind. Peggy, the youngest, known mainly as And Peggy, she is outcasted so much, and her sisters don't even know it. They don't know how much the others love them.

Thomas Jefferson, rich family, perfect life. Except the fact he had no friends. Thomas was so spunky and argumentative that he couldn't make friends without debating their every word.

James Madison, middle class, loving family. He had social anxiety through the roof! That was the reason he had non friends. Social anxiety.

Alexander Hamilton, orphaned in the Caribbean, sent here by his teacher, also the camp director. He talked way too much. His talking was non-stop. So was his writing.

John Laurens, spunky and outgoing, sent by his mother to get away from his abusive father. He was so obsessed with turtles, that his friends slowly started ignoring his every move, and was left alone to his sketchbook of turtles.

Maria Reynolds- Lewis, a high school student, known for sleeping around. She was misunderstood from that. She only did it to keep her alive. Not for money, she had a death threat against her. Flirty attitude already on her side, she was forced by James Reynolds to sleep around with his friends.

Theodosia Bartow, a beautiful girl, with a beautiful name. She was so innocent, and so kind. She was a push over. People took advantage of her instant trust and spread her secrets to the whole school. The results were her having no friends.

Aaron Burr, known for a good debater on the debate team, Aaron Burr is so smart that people are freaked out by him. He can tell you anything you need to know, about any fact in the world, without the internet at all.

Hercules Mulligan, wants to be a tailor, sew dresses, dress people up. According to the students of the school, it's wrong for a guy to want to sew dresses and dress people up so, he instantly has no friends.

Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette, Marquis de La Fayette or known simply as Lafayette, was an immigrant from France, and is not very good at English, or not fluent yet. Apparently this is not a good thing, and therefore, he has no friends. Even the students who speak French and English fluently, refused to help him, or even talk to him.

They were put to the side. And now they will make friends.

Throughout the bus ride these outcasts have made small friendship groups.

Lafayette, Hercules, Alexander, John, Angelica, and Eliza.

Thomas, James, Aaron, and Theodosia.

Peggy and Maria.

And now their adventures begin.

A/N: I kinda really like how this chapter turned out! The next chapter will be Peggy's point of view! ~Lo💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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