Chapter 23

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Nathan's pov:

It was around 9pm I suppose, I hadn't really been keeping track of how long I had been here. On a window ledge, listening to the rain. It was cold, yet the fire crackling was warming up the room.

I had no idea what to do with myself to be honest, Jess was dead, Tom hates me, Jay doesn't care that much anymore, Dad's in prison and I'm pretty sure mum's dead. What else did I have? A whole load of nothing that's what.

A single tear dripped from my eyes as memories of happy times wracked my thoughts, only to be interrupted by a knock at the door.


Jay's curly haired head popped around the door as I wiped desperately at my eyes, the last thing I needed right now was his sympathy. He frowned, blue eyes standing out against his pale skin like a sapphire would in pure snow.

"Are you crying Nathan?"

"No" I sniffed "it's just hay fever..."

He smirked a little and placed his body down on the other side of the windowsill, I could smell him from where I was sitting. An intoxicating scent of roses, lynx and homeliness that made me feel a little more at ease. The body heat of our thighs touching giving a comfortable sense to the atmosphere. To me, although I may never want to admit it, Jay was home.

He looked up at me, our eyes meeting. Both glittering under the lights of the fire crackling behind us.

"Are you okay Nath?"

"I'm always okay Jay" Lies..

He gave me an incredibly judging look before offering me the cigarette stuck between his two fingers, which I took cautiously. I had never tried smoking before but apparently it calms you down a bit. I inhaled the toxic gas straight into my lungs, frowning at the bitter taste and coughing at the chocking tar. Jay just laughed.

"Yeah it kind of sucks the first time you try it"

"I noticed" I smiled

For a few moments we sat in silence, a comfortable one until Jay jumped up turning on the radio. It was playing an unfamiliar song, a young girls voice I quite like it though. Next thing I know he's pulling me to my feet.

"Jay" I laughed "What are you doing?"

"Remember when you told me that you had never danced before?"


"Well I'm gonna teach you"

He took my hands and placed our bodies into a waltz position, so that our chests were touching and bodies were close before turning slightly. I laughed again.

"What's so funny Sykes?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow

"Oh nothing" I replied "You just never struck me as the dancing type, that's all"

"actually I will have you know I am quite the dancer" He stated just as he trod on my foot.

"Oh really?"

"Yes I am, but as you can tell I haven't been practising"


For the next 35minutes we stood there dancing around the living room laughing at each other being clumsy or making a joke occasionally.  Eventually we had to stop though, as Jay broke the lamp on the ugly wooden coffee table. It was funny though, i must admit.

Once it was cleared up and we had stopped our laughter fit, our eyes met for a brief moment. Childlike amusement mirrored in both of them.

"Are you okay now?" He asked

"Yeah, my hay fever's definitely cleared up"

Another silence rang through the air before he stood up heading toward the door. Giving me one  last look back.

"Goodnight Nath, call me if you need anything"

I smiled "I will do" and then silence again.

]"night Sykes"

"night McGuinness"

Cold Coffee *The Wanted Jaythan fanficiton*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu