Chapter Three - Black Rose

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Although she was fully aware of the fact that her father was working at the station and patrolling today, she needed to get dressed and get out of the house before this conversation could progress any further. She kissed Hook goodbye before running out toward her Bug and pulling the car door shut.

She drove around town with no destination in mind and after a while, ended up pulling into the lot of the park, figuring a walk along the water would help her clear her head.

Thoughts raced through her mind and she did her best to push them away and just focus on the sound of the stillness around her. She stopped in front of a bench and plopped down, keeping her eyes on the calm water.

"Emma! Hey, Emma!"

The sound of the woman's voice startled her and she jumped as Regina placed a hand on her shoulder. When Regina saw her reaction, she shot her a look of concern.

"What's wrong?" Regina asked immediately.

"Nothing, you scared the hell out of me!" Emma laughed and Regina shot her a look. In all the years of knowing Emma, she wasn't one to jump at any sudden reactions or be consumed in her thoughts to the point where she was distracted by her surroundings. "What are you doing here, don't you have to work?"

Regina shrugged and Emma glanced down at the mayor's outfit. She was dressed in her work attire, but Emma knew that didn't mean anything since Regina was always dressed to the nines.

"I figured I'd take a break and enjoy the nice day. What about you? Why are you here and not home with your pirate?" Regina laughed.

"Oh, same reason as you. I wanted a break and figured I'd enjoy the weather." Emma looked down, noticing a scuff in her boot and leaning down to rub at it with her thumb.

"Emma, what is it?"

"What are you talking about?" Emma questioned, cocking her head to the side.

"You just seem... off. Is everything okay?"

"Yes, Regina. Everything is fine." Emma said, sounding a little snappier and defensive than she had intended.

"Hey, it's me. You don't have to put your walls up with me."

Emma groaned and rolled her eyes. "God, why do you always feel the need to grill me and assume something is wrong? I said I'm fine and nothing is wrong! Why don't you just take my word for it?"

"Because, Emma." Regina paused for a moment and stepped closer. "I may not have your superpower of knowing when someone is lying. But with you, I can always tell."

"Okay, now you just sound delusional. I'm fine." She brushed the woman off and started to walk away but Regina grabbed her shoulder to stop her.

Emma spun on her heel to face her and Regina kept her hand rested on the blonde's shoulder. "I'll take your word for it, but I do want you to know that if there were something going on, you could always come to me."

Emma just nodded and smiled at the other woman who she knew truly cared for her. "Thanks."

"Oh, I have to run and get Henry from school soon." Regina announced as she glanced at the time on her wrist.

As soon as she heard her son's name, Emma's face fell and her gaze shifted to the floor.

"Ah, so that's why you seem so upset? You miss Henry?" Regina asked in reaction to Emma's behavior.

Emma looked up at Regina and shrugged. "Yeah, I guess so. I feel like ever since I moved in with Hook, I've barely had the chance to see him anymore..." Emma's voice trailed off.

"I have an idea. How about we go pick him up from school together and take him out for dinner? He'd love that!" Regina suggested with a wide grin.

"I would love that, too." Emma whispered. Regina locked eyes with her and neither of them broke contact for a few moments as Emma felt her body fill with warmth over the thought of spending the afternoon with Henry and Regina. "I really do miss that kid."

"He's not a kid anymore. When did he get so old?" Regina laughed and Emma followed suit, realizing she hadn't laughed so genuinely in a while.

"Let me just call Hook and let him know I'm going out with you and Henry." Emma stated and pulled out her phone. Regina shot her a confused look but Emma didn't notice as she already had the phone pressed to her ear as the sound of the ringer came through the speaker.

When it went to his voicemail, Emma shrugged. "I'll just text him and let him know."

"Can I ask you why you need to ask for permission to see your own son?" Regina asked, the look of disapproval evident in her furrowed brow.

"It's not asking for permission, Regina! It's called being considerate so he knows where I am!" Emma's raised voice shocked Regina and her eyes went wide.

Regina simply put her hands up in defense and raised her eyebrows. "Okay, Miss Swan. Whatever you say."

Emma rolled her eyes then grumbled, "let's go."


Henry's face lit up when he walked out of school and saw both his mothers waiting for him. He sprinted over to them and nearly tackled Emma in a hug.

"Jeez, kid. When did you get so strong? Maybe you should go out for wrestling," Emma laughed as she squeezed her son tightly.

"I missed you! What are you both doing here?"

"We wanted to surprise you and go out for dinner! What do ya say... Granny's? Or are you too old and cool to be seen out in public with your moms nowadays?" Emma laughed and Regina smiled at the sound of her laughter and peered at her, admirably.

"Are you kidding? Nothing would make me happier!"

"Me too, kid. Me, too."

Saving The Savior [SwanQueen]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora