"Peter let me out dammit!" I shouted getting angry. Peter shook his head and continued to trap me in her while he played on his phone. "Are you calm now?" He asked after sometime of silence. I grunted and he stood up then left the bathroom. I might as well get ready for the day.

"Feeling better?" Peter asked as I walked into the kitchen and straight for the fridge. I grunted, ignoring him still. Childish I know, but all I wanted to do was lay in bed all day. Peter rolled his eyes and continued to type on his phone. I scowled at him and slammed the Orange juice on the counter next to him. "Who are you texting?" I asked accusingly.

He rolled his eyes and looked back at me. "Hannah," he answered. "What are you both texting about?" I pushed. He sighed and places his phone down. "You...and Angelina," he answered looking at me with a blank expression. I stared back with a blank expression when all I wanted to do was run to her and hug her and never letting her go. But my heart continued to hurt from their betrayal.

"Oh," I said. What else could I have said? I poured some orange juice in a cup and put it back in the fridge.

"Both of you needs to talk," he said before getting up and waving goodbye. What the hell? He just left. Is that the reason he went by today? To tell me that...Angelina and I need to talk.

I stare at my orange juice and kept my mind blank. I lift my head up and thought, feeling guilty. Angelina didn't mean to hurt me, yet I've treated her like she was the one who has betrayed me. It was Molly and Greg, not Angelina.

I chugged the orange juice and grabbed my keys. I need to go see her. I opened the door and was surprised to see Molly standing with her hand on her chest. "Oh gosh, you scared me," she gasped. I stared at her blankly as she stood awkwardly.

"I need to talk to you," she said, straightening her posture with confidence. I cared for Molly even though we had a rocky relationship, she was truthful until this moment.

I stepped aside and let her in. She smiles at me and walks towards the formal living room. I leaned against the doorframe and crossed my arms. Molly sat in one of the chairs and squeezed her hands together, something she did when she was nervous.

"Angelina is not at fault her Jake. I told her not to tell you anything because I...made her feel guilty," she confessed. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. Staying in my position, I waited for her to continue. Sighing she kept on.

"One summer there was this boy, Alec, that Angelina and I met. We ended up liking him at the same time but he picked Angelina. I wasn't happy but didn't object either," she paused, staring at me for any sign of expression. I walked over towards the chair across from her and sat down.

"Anyways, one day I threw one of my famous parties, well little parties back then with supervision. Angelina had come with him. She was trying to get over her crush on you back then that's why she was quick to be with this guy," Molly stated taking me by surprise.

"I don't remember meeting her," I stated mostly to myself. She had a sad smile on her face and looked at me.

"She had met you at the same party before. At one of my parties," she stated. I scowled remembering that party now, "that was the party you and I met." Molly nodded and continued.

"Yes it was. I thought that she had gotten over you so I thought it would have been fine, since she had someone else. But I was wrong. She didn't really like the guy anymore. Then late in night, Alec was so drunk and stumbled into a room that I was in. I tried to help him but he hugged me and then kissed me. I stood shocked, but felt even worse when Angelina had walked right in and saw the kiss," Molly choked back the tears, making me uncomfortable.

"I would never forget that night. The hurt in her face. She is so strong and beautiful something I admired from her. Her parents were always gone and so she would be at my house and we would hang out...but she stopped coming over making me and my family worried. One night I had a bad feeling so I had my driver take me to her house. I walked in and went straight for her room," Molly stopped to wipe the tears from her face.

I sat next to her and rubbed her back. "She had almost died!" She cried out, sobbing. I froze, shocked that Angelina tried to commit suicide. "I called her caretaker and prayed that the ambulance would come in time. I grabbed a towel and tied it around her wound to help. She looked so fragile at that moment," she shook her head and sobbed some more.

"I was the last person she wanted to see, but I was also the one that saved her. I guess I've held that over head indirectly ever since she started public school again. It didn't help either when she felt indebted to me since I...saved her life," she said.

"Jacob, I made her not tell you and I felt awful for putting her up to that. When I found out that she hasn't been at school, I started feeling guilty and in that moment I had to tell you the truth. I'm so sorry, but I knew in my heart that I would never have you because you were always meant to be with Angelina. Family always comes first and I have to do what's right even though I screwed up on the first place," Molly stared at me, pleading with her eyes. I gulped and turned away.

"I know it hurts, but Angelina isn't at fault here. Don't punish her for my mistakes," she grabbed my face and forced me to look into her eyes. "Jake, go over there before she does something stupid. I don't want the same thing happening again," she cried with worry in her eyes.

My eyes widened at the thought and ran out of the house.


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Sugar Lips | Completed 2015Where stories live. Discover now