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 "Drink the Kool-Aid!" Your friends that were surrounded you were begging for you to drink the flavored punch, but why were they making such big deal about it? You were under pressure, it's like they are begging for you to drink poison or something.

"Will you all shut up if I drink this Kool-aid?" Your friends all nodded as they were sharing snickers looking at eachother,you were starting to get nervous. You brought up the cup to your lips, sipping every drop, that's when you noticed that your nose was starting to bleed. And your throat was tightened, making it hard to breath. Your vision starting to blur, as you heard your name being called. Muffled voices and what sounded like shouts and screams were filling your ears. But before anything, everything had turned black.


You woke up in an unfamiliar room, which was not yours. Your rubbed your forehead, easing off the headache that was forming. "(Y/N)!" Morty rushed over to your side and light out the plate of  what looked like chicken soup on his bed stand. "O-oh my god a-are you okay?!" He asked rather quickly. "Yeah I'm fine.." you mumbled. Morty looked uneasy, and he explained the recent events, and how his grandfather made medicine to cure the poison. It was all too much to take in since you were having a headache. "U-um anyways, I-I made y-you soup, (Y/N)" blood rushed to Morty's cheeks. "If-if you want I-I can f-feed you.. I-it's not like I-I'm forcing you or anything!" He thrusted the soup in front of your face, Morty's face turned red. Without making eye contact, the boy hid a smile. And you smiled back.

 You still didn't understand why you were both happy when you were just about to die.

-- Jim Jones --

{Morty x Reader} oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang