Lazy Morty

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Morty was flicking through the channels to see if anything was on right now. As usual, he had nothing to do. His grandpa didn't invite him on adventures very often. And (Y/N) was standing, no wonder why she had grown taller.

"Get up."

She said with a tone of seriousness. But Morty kept stuffing his mouth with potato chips. His eyes glued to the television screen.

"C'mon get up Morty!"

She picked up Morty successfully and tried to make him stand up. But he started to kick gently. "Put me down!" Morty screeched begging for (Y/N) to let go of him. 


She caged him into her arms. Pressing her cheek against his. And smiled he sighed and hugged her back instead of complaining.

--this was rushed since dad is picking me up for school soooo bye lol--

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