Video Games

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The intense tapping of controls were heard across the room of the Smith's household. Eyes glued to the TV, grunts and cheers were also included. Which meant there was a loser and a winner.

"Yes I win!" the teenager cheered, also known as Morty. Who was fist pumping the air. "No fair! You were spamming the op weapons! You camped too." you glared at him. "I demand a rematch!" you stood up, making eye contact with Morty. "S-sure I guess." He mumbled "but if I win you- you wou- will have to give me a k-kiss!" He continued on. Both of your faces were flushed red. "If you say so.." you stammered yourself. "But I'm going to win this time!" You declared.

He won.

"How is this possible?!" You lost, but the only good thing that came out of this was that you were going to kiss Morty, on the lips.. "n-now you will have to give me a k-kiss!" Since  when did he grow balls, and ask you for a kiss? He would probably just not ask anyway if he were to be nervous right about now. You slowly leaned in, as he came closer to you as well. His lips were trembling with excitement and anxiety. Morty squeaked as your lips came in contact. The kiss was slow and sweet. You decided to keep it like that,

For now.

{Morty x Reader} oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now