Start from the beginning

            "Thank goodness for life's little blessings," I muttered under my breath as I made my way to my bedroom to grab my bag.  Sometimes I wondered if I hadn't been switched at birth.  The list of differences between my mother and I grew longer every day.  Today's addition: my mother regarded her high school years as her glory days.  I regarded mine as cruel and unusual punishment.  I quickly walked to the front door, hastily putting on my black wool coat and boots.  "I'll be home later," I called out, practically slamming the door behind me.  The wind whipped my hair around as the cold air licked my face.  My breath came out in smoky puffs as I hurried to my car.  I climbed in the front seat and swung the door shut, blocking the icy blasts of air from following me in. 

            As I drove to Calhoun's, I began to fully analyze my conversation with Gabriel for the millionth time.  I never allowed myself to do so with others around for fear that they would see the effect he had on me.  All I had to do was think about the knowing grin and dancing eyes and it was like my body was no longer my own.  It became his and he alone maneuvered my emotions, making them go from irritation to infatuation at his whim.  I couldn't believe he had been watching me for the past week.  You'd think the boy would have better things to do with his time.  And why wasn't I more bothered by this?  For all I knew, he could have been staking me out for all sorts of unsavory reasons.  Yet, I hadn't felt any psychotic vibes when I had confronted him about it.  If anything, I was just a little annoyed that he now knew how mundane my everyday life really was.

            In reviewing my actions of the last week, I didn't understand what it was that held his interest.  I went to my classes, worked at Robertson's and had gone to the mall one afternoon with Gretchen to help her pick out a new outfit for her date this weekend.  Every other available moment was spent rea...NO!  I pulled into a parking space in front of the diner and shut my eyes, hoping my sudden realization would magically disappear.  If Gabriel had seen me reading, then he would have witnessed one of my most unglamorous habits.  Whenever I came across a passage in a book that I absolutely loved, that I could re-read over and over again, never tiring of the genius writing, I would read the passage aloud.  I didn't do this all the time, and definitely not when around other people.  But this last week, I had done it twice during my lunch break.  Of course, both times I had thought I was alone and didn't yet have any suspicions of being watched.

            I walked into Calhoun's, not comforted by the thought of finally knowing why he found me so entertaining.  It was now so painfully obvious.  He thinks I'm a freak.  That's why he's talking to me.  I'm his new pet project.  Athena the Geek Goddess.  I placed my order and sat in a stool at the front counter.  As I continued to dissect the situation, there was one factor I had to consider.  He hadn't really known anything about me before he had chosen me to scrutinize.  So the million dollar question was why did he choose me?  I knew what I secretly wanted the answer to be.  The whimsical part of me delighted in thinking he might actually be interested.  Then the other part of me, the realist, knew it was highly unlikely, to say the least.

            I dipped a fry in ketchup and popped it in my mouth while ruminating over all the differences that existed between me and Gabriel.  Of course, my mind immediately wandered to those of the physical variety.  His dark eyes that smoldered and seemed to light up with laughter at almost everything I said.  His messy, dark brown hair that was long enough in the front to run my fingers through.  His lips were...No!  I had to stop this.  Gabriel Valente and I were NOT a good match.  Period!  Yet, as unlikely as his affection might be, he obviously wasn't going away, which was exactly why my visit to the library tonight was important. 

            Once there, I immediately headed for the computer stations available for public use.  I chose the computer towards the end of the row.  There weren't many people in the library to begin with, but I wanted as much privacy as possible.  I would have preferred to conduct my detective work in the confines of my room but my computer, which was practically an antique, would give a turtle a run for its money in how slow it was.  For this project I was way too anxious to sit around and stare at the screen, willing it to move faster.  I sat down and looked at the monitor in front of me.  I was nervous, though I really didn't have any reason to be.  I wasn't conducting an illegal investigation.  I was just doing some research, like I had told my parents.  Except I had conveniently left out that my research was on Gabriel Valente.  Since it was clear he wasn't going to perform a disappearing act any time soon, whatever his reasons were, I thought I should at least do some homework and see if any of the stories about him held any truth.  I was fully aware that the internet wasn't the most appropriate barometer to determine between fact and fiction, but it was the only resource I had at the moment.

Gabriel & Athena, Book One: Fate  (A Wattpad Featured Story)Where stories live. Discover now