Chapter 42: Professor Toadface

Start from the beginning

I pulled Hermione to the side. "And you didn't tell me about this earlier because...?"

"Zack and Cody were with you! Ginny didn't believe it and I tried to tell you on the train but in case you hadn't noticed we were interrupted by Harry and Ron!"

I thought back to the train where Harry asked about Celestial magic. "Does Harry know about this?" I demanded.

Hermione nodded. "I actually heard about this from him. He overheard someone talking about it and it also turns out that the rumor's been circulating since our first year. Apparently, it was originally supposed to stay as a secret between the school staff, but-"

"-knowing Hogwarts, of course the entire bloody establishment knows," I cut in.

"And it's true," said a voice.

We flinched. Jay Singh was behind me, holding her books in front of her.

"What?" I asked her.

"It's true that Priya had the keys in her possession," Jay emphasized. "Sorry, couldn't help but eavesdrop."

"Did my mother give the keys to anyone before she died?"

Jay shrugged. "To be perfectly honest, I have no idea. She died before I was born and all I know is whatever Nandini told me that."

"Nandini? Your older sister? How would she know?"

"She found out when she was around ten. Point is, Priya gave them to Lily Potter."

I dropped the textbooks that were in my hand and locked eyes wth Hermione. An immediate understanding passed between us. There's only one person who could have an idea on how it ended up in the Blake's care.

"Harry?" I said.

"Harry," confirmed Hermione.

Meanwhile, Jay stared at us blankly. "I'm sorry, what? I don't see how Harry would have a clue."

I patted her on the shoulder. "I'll fill you in on the details later. Granger, we need to get to class."

"Right. You're going to have to tell Zack, Cody and Ginny eventually, aren't you?" asked Hermione as we speed walked to the dungeons.

"Ginny already knows about the keys, she's the one that opened the package. As for Zack and Cody....this evening. And I'll have to send an owl to both Eriol as well as Sakura."

"Eriol Hiiragizawa? Why him?"

"Because he's the reincarnation of Sakura's ancestor."

"Clow Reed's reincarnation? Are you serious?"

"Not to mention his past life was also Meena's uncle."

"You honestly have the weirdest family tree, Subha."

I scoffed. "What else is new?"

"Anyway, good luck telling the twins everything."

"Come on, you know they're not gonna leave me alone if I don't tell them, Hermione."

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