Chapter 36: Sibling Troubles

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Chapter 36: Sibling Troubles

"Wait, what?!"

I stared at the letter from Harry in my hands, completely flabbergasted. I then glanced back at Hermione, Ginny and Sakura in utter disbelief. "Ron, are you sure this isn't just a cruel prank?!"

"Subha, why the bloody hell would I joke about my best mate getting expelled?!" Ron screamed.

"The things I want to do to the Ministry right now..." Ginny trailed off angrily.

"I have my ILLUSION card," Sakura said as she pulled out a pink card with a red gem and the word Illusion in a gold banner at the bottom of it. "I'm personally ready to murder Fudge."

We all slowly turned towards Sakura, taken aback.

"Oh, don't give me that look," Sakura said. "I'm fifteen for crying out loud, I'm no longer the innocent ten year old."

"Never pegged you for the murderous one, sis," I said as I raised an eyebrow. "Shaoran's going to bury me alive if he finds out I've corrupted his loving girlfriend."

Sakura's eyes narrowed. "There's only so much even I can take, Subha. The Daily Prophet is basically mocking our own brother at this point. We have to do something."

"Yeah, this is horrible," Hermione said. "Getting expelled for using magic to ward off Dementors?! Is Fudge mad?"

"At least Dumbledore is doing something about it."

"How does a trial make things any different? Harry is getting expelled for self defense!"

"It did stop Harry from getting expelled. Speaking of which, what in God's name were dementors doing in Little Whinging?! Aren't they supposed to be guarding Azkaban?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. But I'll take your offer on torturing Fudge."

Ginny held up her hand. "Okay, slow down you two. Even before you try killing Fudge, do think about the mess that's going to be apparent if the paper drags Harry Potter's two godsisters into their attacks."

Sakura and I were silent. Ginny was right. The paper was already trying to discredit Dumbledore for claiming that Voldemort is back. If Sakura and I were dragged into it, it was just going to be a colossal burden on Harry. I pursed my lips and crossed my arms.

"Hoē..." Sakura slouched. "Why are you always right, Ginny?"

"Because I know the both of you," Ginny said in a matter of fact tone. "Besides, mum said that Harry's coming here tomorrow. The four of you can pull answers out of him when he gets here."

"Can we talk about this later?" Ron whined. "If mum finds us here talking about this, we are so dead."

"Yeah, mum's going to kill us if we're not downstairs for lunch," Ginny added.

"Kuncklehead, just admit that you're hungry," I said flatly.

"What if I am?" Ron said defensively. "I haven't eaten anything since morning!"

I rolled my eyes. First off, let me back up a little bit. It's been two weeks since Hermione and I joined Ron and the rest of the Weasleys at 12 Grimmauld Place, the Order of the Phoenix's headquarters. Mr Kinomoto had dropped off Sakura two days later, and left after a serious conversation with Sirius, to Sakura's astonishment as well as nonchalance.

"I knew the possibility of dad knowing Sirius", Sakura had told me, Ginny and Hermione when we were alone in the room that we were sharing, "I guess what I didn't count on was that he knew about mum's involvement in the Order itself."

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