Jungkook laughs. 

"Him, its a him, and no I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have fallen in love with you, you were pretty mean to him for a while, and I don't even think you guys ever really talked out the problems, they just vanished, like a story with empty spaces"

"You're the empty space, you guys have been hiding this from me? I bet Yoongi knows"

"He knows, but we've been like in your face about it, how was this hidden? Taehyung gave me his lunch, I hold his hand, sometimes" Jungkook thinks about it, thinks about how obvious he's been. 

"I fell in love Namjoon" 

"Love? And no one told me, what kind of friends are you, if my leg didn't hurt id kick you" 

"I'd like to see you try" 

"You want to go Kook, you really want to go" 

"I mean I could go out the door but..." 

"Lets just drop this, you're with Taehyung and to be honest if you said something to me in the past I would've thought you were kidding I was such a bad friend the past few weeks" 

"So was I, so was I"  

"But lets not talk about that, lets talk about how your relationship is" 

"Well its pretty great"

"how does it..Work I mean.." Namjoon stops asking his question not sure if he should continue

"what are you even referring to?" Jungkook asks giving Namjoon a weird look 

"I mean he's deaf and you're hearing, what did you think I was going to ask??" Namjoon says half offended 

"Well It's very easy, I mean you see him at school" 

"He has an interpreter" 

"He can also lip read and yeah sigh language and I'm learning it, everything is great"  Jungkook lays down on the couch putting his head on Namjoon's lap. 

"But you know, love is great but complicated" He adds

"um Jungkook... I don't know" Namjoon says before pushing Jungkook's head off his lap.  

"You didn't need to push my head" Jungkook whines as he sits up. Namjoon's phone rings. He looks around to make sure his mom still isn't in the room. He answers the call and puts the call on speaker. Jungkook looks at the screen.

"Hey Yoongi, whats up?" Namjoon asks 

"Hey, listen you can't tell Jungkook,basically I punched this guy, a friend of Minki's, because he called Taehyung names and tried picking a fight with him. It was self defense really so we aren't getting in trouble. The guy tried grabbing Taehyung's arm, he's okay just scratches. Taehyung doesn't want Jungkook to worry. So everything is fine, but he insisted on telling someone because I have a bruise and my nose might have bled he was acting like I was going to bleed out" Yoongi rambles on as he's trying to wipe the blood off his upper lip.

"I'm sorry but Jungkook is here right now and he's.." Jungkook says walking right past the pile of their stuff but not even going to grab his bag.

"I will try to be back for dinner" Jungkook  mumbles.  

"Wait what hospital are you guys at" Namjoon asks and Jungkook waits until the answer is said and then rushes out. 


He enters the hospital and finds out where they are. He pulls back curtains looking for his two friends. He finds them sitting on two hospital beds facing each other. Yoongi with his head tilted up and a tissue in his nose, his eye has a slight bruise under it. Taehyung is looking at him with a pained expression on his face as he watches Yoongi trying to stop the nose bleed.

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