Chapter 13 - What happend?

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Days had passed things get even worst. Every time I visit to help Aunt and Sehun he would just smile but most of the time he would just ignore me. I know his busy and he have a lot of things to do but it just keep on bothering me. He can not even look me on my eyes.

I wanted to talk to him about it and to tell him badly how much this is hurting me but I don't want to add on his problem so I just endure it every time I come for visit.

Until one day......

I was with my Father helping out on Aunt and Sehun when someone grabs my hand-that familiar touch.

"Can we please talk." his voice is full of pain. I could see on his face that he is having a really bad time, his not having enough sleep.

Seeing him looking so hurt makes me so sad. If only I could lessen his pain if only I could just.....

We entered a small room-which if I'm not mistaken this is the owners room.

"I..I'm sorry...." he can't even continue his words and his voice is shaking.

"Oh love please don't apologize. I completely understand that you still need time to get over it. But please don't apologize."

For s moment I thought everything will be back to normal... that he would be back to me.

"Oh love please forgive me. I love you so much that I can't bear to see you suffering because of me. Love please promise me one thing, don't let go of me... of us. And I'll promise you one thing in return, I'll be yours forever."

He then left the room and I was like that standing alone . Left by my lover with unclear thoughts running all over my mind.

Sehun's P.O.V

Every time Luhan comes over to visit and help my heart just can't stop from hurting. Because every time I see him all I could see his pain, concern, worry, and anxiousness. I can't even meet his eyes all I could do is stair at him. I want to talk too him badly, I want to hug him and kiss him and be with him all the time.


I also want him to be happy and I can't give him that knowing that every time he sees me like this I know it bothers him a lot.

One day at the funeral he and his dad come over to help. He keeps on glancing at me and giving me that questioning look.

All I could feel and see is pain.... pain.... and more pain. And that's when I realized what should I do.

I need to talk to him and say everything all I want to say.

We head to a small room-which I don't know who owned it.

At first I tried to say sorry and explain everything but my voice just won't work properly.

I tried again and I said;

"Oh love please forgive me. I love you so much that I can't bear to see you suffering because of me. Love please promise me one thing, don't let go of me... of us. And I'll promise you one thing in return, I'll be yours forever."

Luhan's P.O.V




had past still no call or even a single  message from him. I do see at school but he acts like he doesn't know me. We used to be sit mates but after the day that uncle was buried he requested to our subject professor to change his sit. He keeps on avoiding me. I even tried to talk to him once but he just look at me and pretended that he is not hearing a thing.

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