Chapter 4

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It was a normal Saturday morning. My foster mum had taken the other children to football or ballet, my foster dad had just brought the dog home for a walk and me and my brother was crawling out of bed. But today was different I was woken by shouting. As I crept down the stairs, I peered my head around the corner to see Luke and mark my foster dad. Barking at each other like wolves.
"I told Jane not to have you back your nothing but trouble"
"I promise I'm sorry it's a one off I was just.."
"You was just what? Sniffing cocaine off the table we all eat off. That your own sister eats off"
"It won't happen again, please mark I beg"
"Yes I know it won't, I'm calling the police"
Mark went to barge past Luke to get the phone, but Luke pushed him. He just meant to stop him he didn't mean to hurt him. But he fell, a fall that felt like a life time, but was over in a split second. I watched in slow motion, his head rebound off the corner of the sharp wooden table. His body slumped to the ground. I river of blood began to flow, a river that turned into a lake, a lake that turned into the sea. I sat there, frozen. My whole body numb. Luke turned around head deep in his hand, where he saw my ghostly face staring through wooden banisters.
"Belle I didn't mean to it was an accident"
I couldn't speak
"Isabella say something, tell me what to do! What do I do?"
I finally snap out of my trance.
"Get towels, lots of towels. Put pressure on he head"
"I'm sorry belle" he looks at me with sympathetic eyes, before running to get towels for a dead man. I slide my phone hesitantly out of my pocket, I look blank at the screen. I knew what happened, I saw what happened. It was an accident. Right? 999
"Hello what's your emergency"
"Erm ambulance, i'm Isabelle Clay. And my foster dad. He arhh.."
"Come on darling tell us what happened so we can help you"
"He, he hit his head. My brother pushed him and I think his dead" I began to break down as I watched my brother cradle a dead mans head, oblivious to what his done.
"Okay Isabella, do not move until the police arrive so we know your okay. You'll be safe don't worry. The police will keep you safe"
Of course I was going to be safe, it was an accident he didn't mean to hurt him. The women down the phone tried to keep me engaged in conversation but I wasn't listening. I placed the phone down on the wooden staircase, I'd been sitting on for the last thirty minutes. I was stuck, but now I could move. Just like a baby walking for the first, I walk down the last few steps with uneasy legs to my brother. Mark. His eyes wide open, I could see his soul, his fear, his life, gone. When the police stormed in they saw Luke, blood on his hands. What would you think if you was the police?
Luke was cuffed and dragged into the police car kicking and screaming. Just like me.
"His innocent I've told you stop, please stop"
It was too late Luke was already half way up the road to the police station. In all this commotion I hadn't realise Jane was back. I spotted her in the corner on my eye, hysterically crying as an officer tell her about her husbands fate.
She'd spotted me. Like a raging bull she sees red and begins to charge.
"What have you done? What have you done to my poor husband"
Her violent steam blew in my face, making my eyes water. Before being taken by a second police car to the station, but I wasn't being convicted I was being questioned. For my brothers crime.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2017 ⏰

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