I felt my eyes begin to water up. "I dont know how to be a mother E I didnt know what I was doing when I got pregnant her. I was young myself. When I got the chance to put her in the limelight I took it  they bascially raised her I didnt do much but book her things and be " a manager" and now that I see how I was I regret that I wanna be a better mother." I cried.

"Well Mirah, just change how you been stop being her manager be her mother you can still be her manager just know the difference from the two, know when to be her mother and when to be her manager and stop all this damn crying. I thought you was tough and never cried or had emotions now  look at you." Elaine joked.

"Shut up and stir your food before it burns." I laughed wiping my face.

"Oh shit see messing with you now im burning up dinner." She complained walking quickly toward the stove.

"Love you too." i smiled sipping the wine.



I woke up to the sun shinning brightly thru the curtains causing my head to feel like it was spinning.

Rubbing the blur from my eyes I looked around the unfamiliar room the  room had dark brown walls with pictures of half naked women hanging over old school cars and motorcycles. I stood up confused on where I was.

Opening the bedroom  door I made my way down the hallway, following the smell which lead me toward the kitchen.

I smiled leaning against the doorway watching  Tre whose  back was toward me dancing as he stood in front of the stove.

I bit my lip looking as his muscles as they flexed he wore grey  'Nike' basketball shorts and a black wife beater he nodded his head to 'WE WANT EAZY" playing from his phone.

"Good morning." I smiled as he glanced back toward me giving me a bright smile. "Good morning, how you sleep?"

"Like a baby." I chuckled. "What happened last night?" 

"Well you and my sister got drunk , I was a little buzzed and I had a little smoke. I didnt wanna drive across town like I was so I just brought you to my house since i only lived a couple blocks away. I hope you dont mind my sister helped you change into one of my Tee's so thats how you got into that. I slept on the couch  no nothing happened didn't  want you to think anything like that   im not like that."

"Really?" I gasped covering my mouth.

"Yeah." he chuckled. "You get touchy when you drunk." He smirked.

"Oh my gosh, really? I am so sorry I never been drunk before." I said, covering my face with my hands.

"Its coo." He smiled, removing my hands. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

"I really did haven't had that much fun in... ever. I chuckled. "Thank You."

"For what?" he asked, sitting a plate in front of me.

"For inviting me, i really had a great time i needed something like that it helped me to get my mind off my life for a moment so thank you for that." 

"No problem, im glad you had a good time and see you were worried about being in my neighborhood,I told you i had you i wasnt going to let anything happen to you.

"Thank, and your sister is hilarious." I laughed remembering a little of  lastnight.

"She is something else thats for sure." he said, shaking his head.

Riches to Rags (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now