:Dusk Until Dawn: [Chapter: 4] //A Vampire Romance//

Start from the beginning

"Then how is he in this homeroom?" Rachel asked with a confused look.

Ayden smiled for a few seconds and a few girls giggled, but otherwise he completely ignored the question. "Well then, I will start passing out nurse forms."

I smiled at this. I took a quick look at Damian, who was still scowling at the desk. I wanted to ask him what was wrong but didn't have the courage. After a few moments of encouragement from myself I decided to ask him.

"Er, Damian?" I asked hesitantly. He definetly was in a bad mood and I didn't really want to anger him. I would hate to see his angry side, if he had one, on the first day of school. Especially since it was still the morning.

"What?" he asked sharply.

"Never mind," I replied with the same sharpness.

If he wasn't planning on being nice, neither was I. He glared at me and I turned away, staring determinedly at the board. I bit my lip again trying not to look back at him. What was his problem? I just wanted to see what was wrong and he had to be all jerk-ish. My mood dropped considerably after that accident. Maybe when I had first met Damian he had been acting. I frowned at the black board.

After about twenty minutes of papers and rules, the homeroom bell finally rung. I grabbed all of the loose papers we had received and stowed them in my bag. I could sort them out later. I stood up, without looking at Damian, and stalked off towards the exit of the room.

"Maddie?" Damian's velvet voice called out to me and I debated stopping or not. I knew I would anyways, so I turned to look at him.


"I'm sorry," he apologized offering me a mysterious smile while showing his teeth. I stared at him while I was trying to form coherent words. "You know. For my attitude."

"Uh, yeah. Um, sure," I agreed bemused. The change of his attitude had confused me. His smile was also very distracting. I never thought anybody had a perfect smile... until now.

"I'm..." Damian trailed off. I waited for a second. But the empty classroom startled me. I didn't want to be late anywhere on the first day. Damian noticed too.

"We should go."

"Have fun today, Damian!" Ayden chirped brightly. Damian was right behind me and he turned around and flipped Ayden off. I blinked, surprised, and looked at Ayden, who shrugged.

I headed towards my next class, Algebra 2. It wasn't too far from my homeroom so I decided to seek out my locker. The halls were congested with students coming and going from class to class. I dodged a few people who were almost sprinting down the hall. I looked at the locker in front of me, 1035. My locker was number 1016 so I started walking down the rows of lockers until I came to 1017. I smiled and took a step to the right and landed in front of my own locker, getting whacked in the face by the door of the locker next to mine as I did so. My hand flew up to my face as I cried out in pain.

"Oh dang," I heard a voice next to me gasp. "I'm sorry!"

"Ow..." I rubbed my nose. "It's okay. I'm okay."

I opened my eyes to see a hazel haired girl giving me a sheepish grin. She was the same height as me. Her skin was very pale, but that made her bright green eyes stand out. The girl grinned again. "I am really sorry about that."

"It's alright." I smiled at her. I knocked on my forehead, wincing a little. Maybe it hit me a little harder then I had thought. "No brain damage done... I think."

The girl laughed and held out her hand. "My name is Callie."

"Maddie, nice to meet you," I said taking it and shaking it. After a second we let go and I brushed a piece of hair away from my face.

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