Chapter 7: Dylan

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Callie had been debating wether or not to tell her boyfriend Dylan about the slender man all week. She did trust him, so it should be an easy decision. But she hadn't been in her right mind lately and found herself avoiding him more and more. Not like she wanted to, but lately she had been very nauseated and wasnt eatting much.

She thought about what Annie had said yesterday about the slender man following people around for years. It made her nerves as she sat in front of the computer in her room and fought with myself wether or not to click on Dylan's name and message him on Facebook.

She didn't want to tell him like this, she'd rather see him in person so he could truly see the fear in her eyes. But she was to scared to leave the house alone, every time she did it would be waiting around the next corner.

So she finally made up her mind, she clicked on his name and sent him a message, "hay, can you come over? It's really important, I have to tell you something." She sat nervously in the spinning chair biting her lower lip as she watched the three little dots say that he was replying.

"Is everything ok?" He asked. Callie typed slowly, "no, can you come over please?" She begged. The message tone went off and she jump as she glanced back from the window. "Sure, be over in a few." He replied.

She made a sour face at his message, in a few? A few what? She never liked it when people said that. Callie closed the computer and wondered into the hallway, she paced back and forth in a pair of bright yellow shroty-shorts and a tag-top, her curly hair swaying from side to side as her green eyes scanned the room. What was she going to tell him?

She must have been pacing for a half hour, the door bell rang and she ran to go get it. Callie swag open the door and smiled as she reached to open the screen door. But to her surprise no one was there, she looked around the yard and then closed the door.

She walked into the kitchen to get a snack when-not half way there-the doorbell rang again. She turned around and peeked her head through the hallway and looked out the door, no one was there once more.

Callie glared at the door as she started to felt nauseated again and just decided to sit down instead. Just when her head was starting to settle the bell rang again and a jerking pain ran through her head. Callie stood up in anger and growled under her breath as she angrily stomped to the door, ready to scream at this thing for giving her such misery.

But this time Dylan was waiting by the door, he took one look at her and backed up a bit as she walked over to let him in. He gave her a small kiss on the cheek, "are you alright? You look sick." He said holding her arms stiff to her side. She pushed him off with a fake simile, "thanks babe" she said shutting the door and leading him inside.

They trailed through the hallway and walked back to Callie's room and sat down on the bed. She looked into his emerald eyes as he pushed a lose blond hair out of his face. "I have to tell you something that's been happening to me lately." She said clearing her throat.

He tilted her chin up and smiled as he looked into her eyes, "you can tell me anything." He said kissing her gently on the forehead. Callie swallowed deeply and her eyes trail away from his, "there's this-thing"-She said moving her hands about, staying clear of eye contact. "I'm not sure just what it is but I think it's trying to kill me." She chocked out.

Callie peered out the window as Dylan put his arms around her waist, "you mean like someone's stalking you? Do you know who it is?" He asked with concern. She turned and faced him, "no, no, it's nothing like that. It's not human." She said softly in a nerves manner. He gave her a puzzled look of concern and disbelief, "you mean like a ghost? Are you on some kind of new pill?" He asked holding onto her hands.

Callie glared at him, "no, look-" she said with yet more hand gestures. "have you ever herd of 'slender man'?" She asked trying to get him on her side, now a little frustrated. He rolled his eyes and let go of her, his one of a kind jerk-face-on. "I think your birth control pills are having some kind of effect on your sleep babe." He said with that jerk smile on his face.

"I'm not making this up!" She yelled standing up with her fists clenched at her side. "Babe, lesion to yourself. Your historical, this 'slender man' thing isn't real." He said holding his hands up to try and calm her down to no existence.

Callie sat back down and grabbed onto his hands with a tight grip, "I'm not crazy, I can see this thing! It's out side watching me right now!" She yelled as her eyes swelled up with tears. He pushed her hands back onto her lap, "I'm not saying your crazy, maybe you just need some help."

Her eyes narrowed on him and she shoved him back as best she could, "help?! Why is this so hard for you to understand?!" She sobbed sitting on the end of the bed. He rubbed the back of his neck-knowing he was in one of those awkward moments- "I think I understand just fine." He said backing up.

"I think we need to take a brake." He said uneasy. Her eyes widened and her body pulled her back up, "what?" She said in shock. He shrugged, his normal reaction to things he didn't want to deal with. "this is one of your pleads for space, I know how you are." Callie shook her head from side to side, "no, this is a plead for help you asshole! And if you can't see that then you don't know me at all!" She scolded leaning in closer.

"Then I guess I don't." He said in a mad tone with yet another shrug. He started to walk back to the door and Callie ran after him. "So that's it?! Your just going to leave and what, pretend that none of this Fuck'en happened?!" She yelled following by his side at a rather fast pace. He stopped right by the screen door and stopped her as he quickly turned around, a dead look on his face. "Yeah. yeah I guess so Callie."

Her eyes filled with more tears as they ran down her cheeks. "You know I really did try to care for you, but some times your just so-" he tossed his hands down and waved her off as he stormed out the door. "Wait!" She screamed as he stomped to his truck. He didn't turn back, not once. He simply turned on the truck and sped off down the road of the development.

Callie watched as he vanished around the corner and she suddenly felt all alone again. She closed her eyes and plopped down on the front steps, she didn't even care if it saw her braking down. Because she was, she was falling apart even more then before and she could feel that wherever he was watching from, he was eating this up and most likely smiling at her pain and there was nothing she could do about it.

Callie was lost, the one person she choose to tell her secrete to and he leaves her in the dark. She thought he would at least try to understand, now what was she to do? A feeling of sickness came over her and she knew he was close, Callie gathered herself the best she could and returned inside. She had to find a way out of this mess, a way to get her life back.

Living In FearOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz