Chapter 2: The man

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Maddy looked around in confusion for a moment before she got out of the car, for whatever reason she felt uneasy and turned to look around. her face turned pale white with the most terrified look when she saw what was standing behind the car.

behind her she saw him, it. It was tall, very tall, taller then she had thought before. He wore a coal black suite with a tie and had what seemed to be black ribbons flowing in the wind on his back. It was as if the sute itself was a part of him. But that wasn't what her eyes where fixed on, he had no face.

It looked as if he once did, the imprints were there like on a manikin; small shadowed indents where eyes and a nose would be and smooth and almost shimmering skin. He seemed almost human, the body being the right outline. yet he had no face, he wasn't human. Maddy tried to speak words like; who are you? Or what are you? Or make a light squeek in fear- and yet nothing, not even a whimper would leave her body.

As if she was caught on the spot in a horror movie, she had forgotten her lines and froze up right at the wrong time. Fear spread through her rapidly like a warm liquid spreading through her vains, molding her body into a stone sculptor.

She could feel something warm running down over her lips and she could taste the metallic blood on her tongue as it dripped down onto the road below. Yet she still couldn't move, couldnt speak, or think, not even her eyes would look away from-

A scream came from behind her as Callie yelled in terroir at what she was seeing. Maddy finally snapped out of her trance and turned to face her, she was so white. She was basicly crying and sinking to her knees as her eyes were fixed on the facless man.

Maddy turned back to feed her fascination with this thing, but he was gone.

Maddy gently placed her fingers on her lips and into the blood, she wasn't sure if it had stopped bleeding yet. She lifted up her hand and looked at it as it glistened in the light of the headlights. It dripped down off her finger as she watched it fall onto the pavement. Her ears were still ringing but at least her head wasnt pounding anymore, it was like she had gone numb.

Suddenly Callie's voice reached her and she woke up. "Maddy! Maddy get in the goddamn car! What the hell are you doing?!" She screamed in a terrified tone. Maddy flicked the blood from her hand and got back into the van as everyone kept screaming at her. "lets move Maddy!" Annie yelled, "what the hell is wrong with you Madison?!" Callie joined in. She just sat for a bit, the voices echoing in the background of her head and slowly getting loader.

"Just shut the fuck up!" Maddy suddenly yelled as she turned the key back on and hit the gas. "Slow the fuck down dammit!" Annie screamed. Callie handed Maddy a tissue from the glove case and she clean up a bit and slowed down.

"What the hell was that thing?!" Callie screamed as she hugged her legs on the front seat. Maddy looked over at her and laughed a bit, mostly because of the rush she felt, it was like seeing death himself and then just racing away, avoiding death altogether.

"What the hell are you laughing at?!" Annie yelled as she tightly squeezed her sister. "That was awesome!" She yelled back. "Awesome? Awesome?! did you even see that thing Maddy?! It had no face!" She screamed as she grabbed for Maddy's shirt.

"I know." Maddy said after a long pause, her enthusiasm now gone remembering that terrifying site of the man with no face. "Then why are you laughing?!" She questioned. Maddy glanced over at her and then back to the road, "I'm really freaked out is all, I guess I don't know how to respond." She said in a low voice.

All at once the car was quiet only Brooke's sobs filled the now silent space of the car. "What are we going to do?" Annie asked in a low and worried voice as she looked up from her sister.

Maddy didn't know what to say at first, it was like something that was impossible, their experience was just to unreal to tell anyone and it was extremely unlikely that anyone would believe them. It was hard to say how anyone would handle such a shocking and confusing situation. Maddy thought on her toes for a long time, not sure if this would really effect the rest of their lives.

then Maddy just said what everyone wanted to hear, "we're going to forget that this night ever happened, the movie, the car ride, that- thing."

She could feel everyone nodding their heads in agreement, even though they all knew that no one would ever forget this night.

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