work begins today!

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hey, guys um I'm sorry I haven't been updating so much I'm probably going to have to update once a week due to testing and this taking to long. to write........ but enjoy!


you were running in the woods and some mysterious creature was following you. you look behind you and the figure is gone you turn around and see the creature in front of you it smiles and looks at you with it's empty sad eyes. it looks at you. "haha why did you stop?" "why." "huh?" "why are laughing when it's clear you feel sad lonely." it stops smiling "why would you care." "because I'm the same as you I may not know you but we are the same." you walk towards it and hug it. "it's ok as long as you find someone who would care for you." it hugs you back and it starts to cry "don't you remember me?" 

~your pov~

you feel someone shaking you and wake up "(Y/N) are you ok? yo have to get up!" you see Sebastian standing to the side of you. you swear you saw he had a worried face for a few seconds but you just shook it off but you were still thinking of your dream and you forgot that Sebastian was standing there next to you. "so are you going to get up or are you going to stay staring into space?" "huh? oh yeah" you get up and notice Sebastian's face isn't that serious anymore he had a light shade of pink on his face you look down and notice you only have a shirt and no shorts so you were in panties you shrugged it off. "you really don't care?" you shake your head. "so you wouldn't  care if I did this?" he took off you shirt leaving you in your bra and panties. "um no it doesn't bother me now if you'll excuse me I have to go change. you changed into the same thing mei rin wears but shorter so it would allow you to move more like up to your knees. "now miss (Y/N) you'll first have to see the master. then meet everyone else." you nod and walk out and get to Ciel's office Sebastian knocks and you hear a come in. you both walk in and Ciel's eyes widened. "s-so this is the new maid." "yes my lord." 

Sebastian's pov

why did my master stutter? he doesn't like he probably does if anyone knows my master it's me. "my lord this is all the work you have for today." he nods "Sebastian I would like a cup of tea please." "yes my lord." "come on (Y/N) i will teach you how to make a cup of tea." you nod. why did i choose that outfit for her if i knew people would be looking at her. you guys walk to the tea set. "this is how......" "wait let me do it." she does it perfectly.

your pov

you do it perfectly. you walk over to call and place down the cup. "here you go my lord." he grabs the cup and sips. "you know I think this tastes better than how Sebastian does it." Sebastian walks over to stand next to you. "well done where did you learn how to do it with such grace?" "i don't know i just somehow knew how to do it." "oh ok." he walks over to Ciel. "my lord she told me she doesn't remember ever doing it she just knows how. " "well that's interesting you aren't interested in her Sebastian?" "my lord can we not talk about this when she is in here." "ok the I'll send her out to the other workers." "(Y/N) go see if you could help the other workers." you nod and walk out.

Sebastian's pov

"ok now we could talk about what you asked." why am I doing this. "so tell me do you like her?" "my lord i do have a bit of interest in her." "but why she's like any other person." "no my lord she's not she's different i remember her from when she was about twelve. and I fell in love with her and we made a promise and I gave her a necklace and it looks like she still wears it. and I have the other piece to that necklace." "that's nice but what happened to me Sebastian you don't care about me anymore?" "my lord you have a fiance so i had to give up on you at some point but i always loved her i felt like giving up after a while but then i found her i got hope." "ok then since you won't be focused on me anymore can i have one more kiss?" (this is for all you sebaciel shippers out there) "yes my lord." Sebastian cups Ciel's face gently and gives him a deep kiss "you I will always love you, Sebastian." "thank you my lord." he walks out and sees you there with a red face "oh um h-hey Sebastian I will be going to tend the horses now." he watches you awkwardly walk away. now she probably thinks I'm gay dang it Sebastian.

your pov

what did I just hear through the door Ciel asking Sebastian to kiss him? hahaha i always come to places at the wrong time you go to where the horses are and take care of them and when you go outside out of the stables you go for a walk and feel a hand on your shoulder. you look back and see Sebastian. "um hey Sebastian I just went for a walk." "oh that's nice." "yup and no I don't think you're weird." "that's what i came here to talk about." "no no it's ok." "no it's not i just wanted to explain what i was doing." "um ok but i don't really need you to explain." "you see i used to like my master but he has a fiance and he told me to give him a kiss because i was giving up on him because i found someone who i love." "that's nice." "well i wish you luck." "um thanks."

author's note

hey, guys, i will only be uploading once a week so yeah sorry but I really have nothing to tell you guys other than I finally finished testing! but I have to go.(you guys should read her other books) oh so now you finally choose to help (yup) now I have to go.Hasta La Pasta!!!!!!!!!

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