a lost person found

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hey, guys, i hope you guys enjoy this new book I made! (i don't really have anything to say)

also, you guys should already now what it means when it's like this (Y/N) so we are cool but in case you don't know I'll tell you only this once.

(Y/N)= your name

(L/N)= last name

(H/L)=hair length

(F/C)= favorite color

(H/C)= hair color

(E/C)= eye color

your pov

it was a cold day you were just walking down an alley with just an old jacket some old dirty clothes and barefoot. you felt like you could pass out from the cold. then you came out the alley and the cold wind hit you. you shivered and kept walking. why does England have to be so cold! you keep walking then some people were arguing in front of you the one falls on you. they get up and leave you on the floor. then while you're on the floor it starts to snow. so this is how it ends no memories of my past cold, lonely, hungry and on the floor at least the floor still loves me. you try to get up but you're too weak to get up. hahaha, i knew it was probably going to end like this. oh well, might as well not do anything. the just as your vision is getting blurry you see someone with black hair. huh? someone is going to help me well it's too late to do that. you couldn't see their face properly but with your vision getting blurry. you thought they were umm how do I say this repulsive 

Sebastian's pov 

oh, won't you look at that someone is lying on the floor hmmm? don't I know her? might as well help her. he stops the carriage Ciel looks out the window at Sebastian. "what do you think you're doing we need to get back." "I'm very sorry my lord you'll going to have to wait." "I could wait but someone really wants some food right now." he whispers the last part while pointing at Elizabeth "I'm fine humph!" Sebastian walks over to you and picks you up what a pity she's so cold  . and now we're also late for dinner. 

your pov

~time skip~

you wake up in a bed with some warm clothes. but the thing you don't notice is the person behind you sitting down in a chair with a book. "finally you woke up." you get startled and slowly turn around and see a different person than the one that you saw with that I'll just say it! ugly face...... "uh yeah....." this guy had a pretty ok face black hair. and a butler suit he was just missing his butler jacket? (sorry guys I forgot what that was called) "are you going to stare at me like that or are you going to introduce yourslef?" you blink and look around the room because your confused then you look up then remember he told you to introduce yourself. "um my name is (Y/N) (L/N)." he grabs your face making you look into his eyes. oh, his eyes are red well some kind of dark red. "look at someone when you talk to them!" you nod. you weren't blushing or anything because since you didn't really have manners you didn't care. "hey you don't happen to be the person who picked me up?" "and what if I am?" you stare at him for a while. then you throw yourself backward laughing you're but off "I don't get what's so funny explain." "haha o-ok it's just the person that saved me which was you looked really ugly!" you start to laugh again. he gets kinda angry "and you look repulsive yourself!" you stop laughing and shrug. "hey I oh. wait. I forgot to say my vision was getting fuzzy so everything looked weird but I'm fine now and you look just fine." "well then i take what I said back." you laid back down on the bed "but I didn't care if you called me ugly it's just I don't want people on bad terms with me but your someone I don't want to mess around with." he has a confused look "and why's that?" you look at him to confirm what you were thinking and because you needed some more evidence you decided to do something that would piss anybody off. "because you look hot." he doesn't seem to be affected by it. "ok but I know your lying you just want to be on good terms with me." you shrug "eh no I didn't that's not the reason I said that." "then what's the reason." you walk up to him and touch his hand. it's cold ok I confident that's it! you walk back to the bed and lay back down. "your not human." he flinches at what you said and you smirk

Sebastian's pov

oh no she figured it out she's pretty clever for someone who was living on the streets. "and what makes you say that." 

your pov

"well your eyes are pretty cold your touch is cold the way a compliment like I just said didn't affect you and also who has eyes that color does no one think that's just crazy!" "well you sure are smart but it's not true." "no I'm right everything you just said and the way you flinched when I said you weren't human were you confirming I was right!" "and if you're wrong?" 'then I'm wrong but I've been living on the streets for a long time so I've met more than just a few people and you're the first that has been like this but your not a monster like a vampire or a werewolf. hmm I say you're a demon." you smile. "you're a lot more brilliant than normal people and your observant." "yeah, so what." "I would hire you to be a maid but you have no manners!" just hearing the word grossed you out you shudder "I do have ..... manners." he walks to you and puts his hand on your.....boob. you don't think it's weird because you never learned anything. "see your not a proper lady you don't think this is weird?" you shake your head. and you push him off because he starting to annoy you with what he was saying. "you have no choice but to become a maid if you don't you'll go back onto the streets." "no please let me work here!" he smirks "fine then tomorrow is your first lesson and day working here! my master and the other workers already know that you'll be here so everything is ok so far." you nod "ok now can you shut up? it's been a long time since I've been somewhere so comfy." you lay back down and he didn't disturb you so you fell asleep.

author's note

hey, guys, i know you guys got maybe a tad bit angry when I called sebby angry but if you think about it .you the reader basically said it!  ok, so I'm happy A.H is still away! so i  will try to work on the free! book but i have to go. Hatsa La Pasta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

his little kitten (Sebastian x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें