Survivor (Naruto Fanfic)

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Name: Azumi Osuhitsuji

Age: 12-13

Gender: Female

Appearance: Short messy light pink hair, red eyes, brown ram horns, petite body, fair-skinned

Attire: Black hoodie, black sleeveless shirt underneath, bandages wrapped around her hands and forearms, green knee-length skirt that has slits going up each side to her hips, black formfitting knee-length shorts, bandages wrapped around the rest of her legs, black ninja shoes

Clan: Haiburiddo Clan 


Haiburiddo Clan- A clan that makes up their own village that Azumi lives in. All members of this clan have animal characteristics which is why it is branched off into several families. Each family represents a certain animal and the members of that family have characteristics of that animal. For example: Azumi is from the Osuhitsuji family, who represent rams/lambs/sheep. That is why she has brown ram horns on her head. The whole Haiburiddo clan believe that their is one animal above all the others, which is the deer. Deer are to represent life and the elder of the clan is always born with deer antlers. There is always one person in the clan born with deer antlers in a generation. That person becomes the elder when the elder before them dies. This is law.

The Village- The village Azumi lives in is kind of hated for being different. This causes trading with other villages to be very tedious.

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