The Fight

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You knew what you had gotten yourself into when Spencer and you first began dating. Of course you did. He works a job that requires most of his time, especially considering he is the genius of the team.

But, it's different. It was okay when you and Spencer were just 'dating'. You could deal with it, it was so much easier to understand.

It isn't anymore. You are in love. You and Spencer have been together for seven months, now, and each time he has to leave for days on end, you feel it gradually getting harder and harder, resulting in you having no idea what to do. He hardly even messages when he's away, which amplifies the emotions you already suffer from when he's gone.

He leaves for three days, sometimes longer, barely any communication. It happens almost every two or three weeks, at the least. You work as a journalist, currently, but nothing too major at the moment, meaning you end up alone at home nine out of ten times.

You knew you had to tell him, however what terrified you the most is, what could he do about it?
You can tell him, spill out your emotions for hours on end, but for what?
It is his job, after all. Nothing good could come of you mentioning it, though, neither could keeping quiet.

You chewed down on your lower lip nervously, glancing to the door of the apartment at least one hundred times a minute. You stood up from the couch, attempting to find just anything to cloud your train of thought with anything other than possible outcomes of tonight, once Spencer returns home after four excruciatingly long days in Los Angeles.

You walked to his book shelves, grazing your fingertips lightly over the spines of the old books. You slipped one out of the compressed pile, before shuffling back over to the couch.

You curled comfortably up in the corner, grabbing a thick, silky duvet while letting it shroud your petite frame. You tugged the sleeves of your oversized sweater over your hands, (technically Spencer's) before opening the book to read.

Hours passed, however your head practically whipped to the side when you heard keys rattling in the lock of the door, just before it was creaked open and a groggy, tired looking Spencer stalks into the apartment.

His tousled, chocolate brown hair was styled messily and his eyes were hooded due to a lack of sleep. He tugged the strap of his satchel over his head, before tossing it to the side.

You arose from your previous position, before you anxiously pushed your reading glasses to the top of your head. You set the book down on the couch, walking over with a soft smile as you hoped to lightened his mood.

"Hey, Spence," You murmured in a sweet, tender voice.

He shrugged his coat off of his shoulders, looking at you with a blank expression across his dishevelled features.

"Hey," he murmured in a fairly blunt tone, which was completely out of character.

"Rough few days, hm?" You questioned, lightly draping your arm around his torso to feel closer to him after four days of being apart.

"Yeah, I don't want to talk about that case anymore." He grumbled moodily, causing your eyebrow to raise in surprise.

"Okay," You said defeatedly and parted your lips momentarily to continue, before pursing them together again to stay silent.

You furrowed your brows, biting the inside of your cheek in confusion.

"I need to speak to you, actually," You finally gathered your words, all the while while you anxiously ran your hand up and down the sweater on your arm, lightly playing with the knitted parts that had become slightly undone.

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