Glimpse of Us

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Plot - You and Spencer broke up four months ago, and now its finally time to face seeing him again. But...he's with someone else.

You stood in front of the mirror, fingertips gently smoothing down the soft material of your gown as you gazed displeasingly at your reflection. Reaching up, you fixed the pieces of your hair that had fallen out of place. Tonight wasn't exactly a night you had been looking forward to, when dozens of divisions of the FBI come together for an annual formal party. While you worked in Counterintelligence, somebody you weren't quite ready to see yet worked in the Behavioural Analysis Unit, and would most likely attend the party.

Spencer Reid.

It had been four months since the two of you had split, and you had been doing a perfectly good job at avoiding him since. You moved to a different office, you changed your route to work, you even changed your damn coffee shop. All of that hard work down the drain, for you to see him at this stupid formal party.

You took a deep breath and turned away from the mirror, grabbing your bag and heading out of the door before you could allow your mind to change. Sitting in on the couch, watching a 90's rom com and cradling some chocolate cake sounds like a much more appealing night. You walked outside, the bitter air briskly fanning over your bare arms and making goosebumps appear. A jacket would have been smart, also.

Waving down a taxi, you clambered into the backseat and gave him the address. If you were to get through tonight, multiple glasses of wine and a few shots of sambuca meant you definitely shouldn't be driving. Although it was only 8pm, it was dark outside, almost pitch black. The beauty of autumn. Fiddling with your fingers in your lap, you stared out of the window and watched as the streetlights passed by and the whirring cars speeding past in the other direction.

As the taxi driver stopped at your destination, you thanked him and tipped him generously before stepping out. You pulled your hair round to one side, leaving the other shoulder bare for the biting cold air to sting. You double checked you had everything in your small bag before you finally braved walking to the entrance. Two men in smart suits and white gloves opened the heavy doors for you as you stepped inside, eyes wandering across the room.

The room was huge, the ceilings were unbelievably high and painted like the renaissance. Gold and stone pillars were on either side, and the parquet flooring didn't do a good job at disguising the clicking of your heels as you walked across the room. The lights were dim and romantic, the melody echoing was soft and classy. You gazed around slowly, feeling that all too familiar ache in your chest when you remembered the few times you and Spencer danced together at this very event, in this room, under these lights.
Although these parties were more formal than the parties you usually liked to attend, (cough cough, dancing on tables and trying to prove to everyone you know all the words to 'It's Tricky'.) The memories of them still held a special place in your heart. A small smile tugged at the corners of your mouth as you remembered dragging Spencer into the middle of the room to dance before anyone else had started dancing, how his laughter echoed around the room when he got past the nerves.

"Now aren't you a sight for sore eyes, sweet thang?" A familiar deep voice came from behind you, a smile immediately etching onto your face as you turned around.

"Derek Morgan, how did I guess?" You joked as he pulled you into a hug.

"How have you been?" He asked as he retrieved from the hug, looking down at you.

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