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Chapter One

*2 Weeks Later*

Maize's POV

I yawn and slowly open my eyes. I roll over and Alec is no longer laying beside me. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and sit up.

I suddenly feel my dinner coming up and run to the bathroom vomiting into the toilet.

The front door shuts and I vomit again. I take a deep breath and flush the toilet closing the lid.

I sit on the closed lid and run my hands through my hair.

Alec walks into the bathroom and looks at me confused and worried.

"Babe? Are you okay?" he asks.

I shake my head slowly and look up at him.

"You've been sick in everyday this week, maybe you have the flu" he says.

"Maybe" I shrug.

I get up and walk over to the sink grabbing my tooth brush.

I grab the tooth paste and put some on my tooth brush before I brushed my teeth getting the taste of vomit out of my mouth.

I think Alec is right, maybe I do have the flu. I've been waking up sick in the mornings all week.

My eyes widen as a thought enters my mind.

I quickly walk out of the bathroom and into mine and Alec's bedroom.

 I grab my phone off my side table unlocking it before I open the calendar app and check the date.

Alec walks over to me and lays down on the bed looking up at me curiously.

My eyes widen and a quiet gasp leaves my lips.

"Babe what's wrong?" Alec asks.

"I'm late" I say locking my phone.

"Late for what?" He asks.

"My period is late" I reply.

Realizing I haven't gotten the most wonderful monthly present yet.

"Sooo...?" He replies.

"I might be pregnant" I almost whisper.

Alec doesn't reply, after a couple minutes pass he gets up an starts pacing back and forth.

I sit down at the end of our bed, tears stream down my face.

"Alec please say something" I whimper.

"Fuck. I can't" he mumble's.

He grabbed his phone and jacket before he quickly walks out of the room.

"Alec wait" I cry and get up chasing him.

"Alec please don't go" I sob as he walks out the front door shutting it behind him.

What's he doing? Is he leaving me? He wouldn't, would he?

Alec's POV

I panicked.

I know I shouldn't have walked out of the apartment like that but I didn't know what else to do!

"Hello?" my brother answered.

"I fucked up big time" I say quickly.

"Alec what did you do? You didn't hurt her did you?" Ace replied.

"No but...shemightbepregnant" I reply as quickly as possible.

"English please?" Ace says.

"She might be pregnant" I say slower.

"WHAT!" He yells.

"I know...I know I messed up" I almost whisper, my eyes burning with tears.

"Please help me" I beg.

"You got yourself in some deep shit this time Alec" he says.

"M'sorry" I whisper.

"I'm gonna call Becky, she'll bring a test over later okay?" He says.

"Okay" I reply.

"Bye, don't do anything else stupid" He said.

"I won't bye" I mumble before hanging up.

I slide my phone into my pocket and wipe my eyes.

I walk back into the room and see Maize lying on the couch crying.

Fuck, I've never seen her cry before.

I slowly walk over to her and bend down hugging her tightly.

"Fuck baby I'm sorry I shouldn't have walked out like that" I say.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm sorry" she says breaking down in my arms.

"It's gonna be okay babe" I say and peck her lips.

She nods against my chest and I wipe her tears away with my thumb.

"Becky is gonna bring a pregnancy test over later" I say and she mumbles an okay.

"I love you and I want to stay home with you but I really have to leave for work" I say and kiss her plush pink lips once more.

"I'm just gonna take a nap well your gone, love you" she says pecking my lips.

I smile and grab my backpack before I leave for "work".

14 & Pregnant - MAJOR EDITINGDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora