Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Emil's POV

I got home from work and unlocked my front door. It was silent! to silent.

"Selena?" I call.

Nobody answers. I walk into the kitchen and see a note on the counter.

Dear Emil,

I'm sorry I have to do this but it's for the best.

It's not safe for me here and I can't risk you getting hurt.

I won't be gone forever.

I love you and please don't blame yourself for this.

Cause it isn't your fault.

Please don't try to contact me and I'll send you ultra sound pics every time.

I love you and hope to see you again, I'll write to you but don't write to me.

I've changed my name so don't try to find me. I miss you already.

I'm sorry this has to happen I love you and I'm safe please don't look for me. I love you!

Love Selena.

I drop the note crying I fall to the floor grabbing my phone and dialing Collins number. It rings before he picks up.

"Hello" he says.

"Collie she left, Selena's gone" I cry.

"I'm on my way bro be there in 5" he quickly says before hanging up.

I continue to cry and cry on the kitchen floor.

*5 Minutes Later*

Collin burst in and runs to my side picking me up.

"Why did she leave? What did you do?" he asks.

"She said as wasn't safe and had the leave she didn't want me to be in danger as well" I say once I finished crying and hand him the note.

"Em I'm sorry! Why don't you come stay at my place? You can meet Nyla?!?!?!" He says I nod as he helped me stand up.

Nyla's POV

Emil called Collin saying Selena left. I felt so bad. Collin told me to stay here so I did.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pick it up and check the caller ID, it was Bella!

Well actually Selena but whatever, I have to get used to saying Bella when she calls and someones in the room.

"Bella?" I say.

"You don't have to call me that or is someone in the room?" She says.

"No it just needed to practice in case" I say.

"Oh ok" She says.

"How are you? Are you and the baby alright?" I ask.

"Yeah but I still haven't went to an appointment yet, I'm to scared to go alone" She says.

"If I could I would come with you Le but I don't have any money to fly out their" I sigh.

"You can I'll send you a plane ticket!" She says after a moment.

"No I can't you need to save your money" I say not wanting to make her broke.

"Nylp my parents where those rich people who where killed, they left me everything they owned. I can afford it" She says. I'm shocked.

"Oh ok then, But-" I was cut off.

"Their is a bran new lap top under Collin's guest bed for you! I hid it their, my email is on it and that way we can Skype each other" she says.

I walk into the guest room that I'm staying in. I don't even know how she got it in their. I hear the front door open.

"Collie's back and someone's with him, your Bella again." I say.

"Ok" She reply's.

"Nyla?" Collin calls.

"In here" I call.

He comes running in, he looks really sad.

"Selena left" he says.

"What?" I gasp acting since I know she left.

"I booked your flight you leave tomorrow at 4pm" 'Bella' says.

"Bye Bella I gotta go, see you tomorrow be safe" I say before hanging up.

"Where's Em is he ok?" I ask.

He shakes his head an brings me to the living room. Emil is hopelessly crying his heart out. It broke my heart.

"I'll be right back" I say running into my room.

I turned on my new lap top and logged into Skype with the user name and password "Bella" gave me.

After I Skyped "Bella" she answered and I was about to start talking when the door opened.


Cliff hanger!!!!

Who do you think opened the door and walked in?

What do you think is gonna happen?

I don't know?

Please vote and comment love you people


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