Chapter 46:Help Part 2

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I woke up all wet it was raining and I moved to the side and I noticed that I was moving?! I pat the dorsal fin and he looked up at me.

"So your awake?" Max asked

I heard a thunder and jumped up. I looked and a huge wave came.

"Hold on roxy!" He said.

I held on and the wave covered us and I lost my strength and left go. The water took me down and my head hit the edge of the rock. My eyes widened and all my air came out of my mouth before I know I blacked out seeing red water.

*Max's Point Of View*

Roxy?! Where is she? I looked back and there was the smell of blood. My eyes widened and my senses when't almost lose. I swam down and stoped it was roxy. I turned into my half form and grabbed her and  swim up. I sigh and saw a ship.

Something grabbed my tail fin and I accidently left go of roxy and when't down and saw a lot of lights pointing at roxy. I grab whatever was holding me and bite it. It was a rope I swim up and grab her but someone else was holding her.

"Roxy!" I yelled.

I got stab on the head and I swam away. How am I going to get roxy?! I turned into my shark form and I almost cried.  I don't know what they are going to do to roxy. My tail got stuck on a net and I tryed to break free and it pulled up. I got out of the water and I blacked out.

"Look! Sir what do we do to it?" A heard a voice.

"Take him to the cube along with the other shark's. Put him separated from all the other shark's. " I heard.

"Your not going to torture him are you sir?" The first voice said.

"... We will see about that." I heard before getting covered by darkness.

"Hey wake up please." I heard someone.

I opened my eyes and I was underwater. I looked and there was someone taping on the glass that I was in.

"You finally woke up."  Someone said.

I got close to the glass and looks at him. I touched the glass and looked at myself I was in my half human form. The man was looking at me. He  seemed like a nice person. He had a noble face he had brown hair and light green eyes. He looked to be in his 30 years old.

"Kid are you okay?" The man asked.

"Where is roxy?" I asked.

"Roxy?Oh you mean the girl" He said.

I moved my head up and down and looked around.

What's your name?" He asked with a friendly smile.

"Max." I said looking around.

There was alot of containers with different species of shark's. I look up and saw numbers on the tails of the sharks and cut dorsal fins.

"The girl is in the infirmary room." he answered.

I looked at him and punch the glass.

"Get me out of here!" I yelled.

"Hey! Calm down! I can promess you the girl is all right. But its strange, what are you?"

He asked.

"Its a long story...-?!" I said but got cut off.

"Benjamin do not talk to the shark!" I heard.

"Hide!" He yelled.

I turned into my full shark form and swim down. I hide in a big hole under a rock and heard everything.

My boyfriend turned into a shark*On Editing*Where stories live. Discover now