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I've lived far to long. The days pass by endlessly. Why am i still even here? Watching the ones I love come and go. Watching the days pass by while I stand here frozen in time.


Through each day and every night my hunger grows. The desire for freedom and lust for appreciation fills me like an endless pit. How do I fill this void? the answer is simple, she's the answer, I must get her no matter the cost.

Day seventeen of the high school allure.

Luna Rey, holding the position as the number one IT girl for three years and recently being featured as one of the most influential teenagers of this generation in 8teen magazine is currently attending our school. However, despite being enrolled in our school the reality is she only shows up for maybe two days out of an entire term. Luckily, her modelling career and sponsors have made her attend school more frequently due to trends shifting more towards school fashion.

 This is how we'll get her.

Paparazzi swarmed her as she strutted through the front iron gates in our plain high school uniform. She made that cloth look like works of art as it clung to her toned wafer-thin figure and hour-glass waist. Her pale complexion was impeccable and created a perfect canvas for the soft, natural makeup she was wearing. Her sharp eyebrows gently flowed down to her voluminous long lashes and accentuated her refined dainty nose hanging just above her heart shaped, gradient red lips. Spools of platinum silver hair crashed around frail neck and hide her pierced ears carrying silver rings. Her looks were to be envied and desired by everyone but nothing was more alluring then her eyes, the colour of blood but shone like jewels.

"Wouldn't it be nice to have that sort of attention" Namjoon's low voice ripped me from my trance and forced my attention. Indeed, although we're regarded as the best in our school, BTS had nearly no recognition throughout common society. We needed coverage. We needed attention. We needed her. Though it may be simple, everything we desire resides within her. There's only one thing to do, it's the easiest way to get attention...date her.

Though I say date her in a simple manner, the one problem about this entire situation is that the key to my dream is frozen to the bone. The classroom was bustling with fans who had just transferred into this ghost school. The once silent hallway was filled with illuminating posters and calculating monsters. Despite the fire they spit, the desire they emit, the wildfire they lit never melts that impenetrable ice armour of hers.


it's short and i'm not apologising for it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2017 ⏰

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