"I didn't need you to tell me all of that love." He says squeezing my hands.

My heart start to beat quickly.

"It's fine I needed to let it out." I say wiping away the tears that fell that I didn't even notice until know.

"Your only alive because of me mom?" Asks Henry from behind me.

I sigh and turn around. Henry stands there with tears running down his face. I stand up quickly.

"I knew this was wrong. I'm sorry Mr. Jones." I say and rush out of the house. I grab my bag and walk outside.

I walk past my car and sit down on the curb. I sigh and close my eyes, tears burn my eyes but I don't let them fall. I hear someone sit down next to me.

"Swan is everything okay?" He asks.

"Ya everything is great." I say and sigh.

He puts his arm around me and pulls me into his chest. I don't fight with him because I know I need this to calm my nerves down. I lean my head on his chest and listen to his heart beat race. I open my eyes and look up at him and study his face.

"You better Swan." He asks smirking down at me.

"Ya I'm better." I say but instead of pulling away from his I wrap my arms around his body and give him a thankful squeez and then pull away.

I stand up and hold out my hand with a missing finger. He takes it and I help him stand up.

"I know you told me alot about yourself but I was wondering about this hand of yours." He says linking his fingers with my hand and resting his pinky on my little stump.

"Oh ya about that. I had a growing disease in it so it was either die or cut of my finger. I would rather live and continue working with the children on their lessons and I would never want to leave Henry alone." I say and look down at our hands.

"One other question, know that we are friends can I call you Emma?" He asks.

I sigh and giggle. "Okay but I get to call you whatever I want." I say.

I chuckles. "Alright but same goes for me Love." He says and brings my hand up to his mouth and kisses it.

I smile up at him.

"You big flirt." I say and slap him in the chest and walk inside the house where I hear Henry yelling and Amily.

I freeze in my spot and Killian takes my hand and pulls me upstairs. We walk into Amily's boxed up room and I see Henry sitting on the floor with his face in his hands. Killian pushes me over to Henry and I can hear him say in my head 'go ahead Swan'. He pulls Amily out of the room and closes the door. I sit down next to Henry and put my arms around him and pull him close to me and he just hugs me tightly.

"I don't want you to be living just because of me. I want you look have someone special in your life and a job you like." He says between sobs.

"I know kid. I love teaching kids guitar and ukulele and I love being a mom. And I think I just made a friend." I say quietly.

He stops crying and wipes his tears away. He smiles up at me and then stands up.

"I knew it! I knew it!" He yells jumping around the room.

"Calm down kid." I say and giggle.

I stand up quickly and try and grab his arm but he runs out of the room, I chase after him and we run downstairs and I finally catch him.

"I said calm down Henry." I say and giggle.

"I knew it." He whispers into my ear and then hugs me.

I hug him back tightly. I see Killian leaning on the wall watching us. Then the door bell rings. Amily runs down the hallway and opens the door and I see someone familiar. Henry pulls away and I just stared at her.

"Miss. Swan what are you doing here?" She asks.

"Having a goodbye dinner for Amily," I say and cross my arms to hide my shaking hand.

"Well sorry to ruin that but is Killian here?" She asks.

"I'm right here." He says comming around the corner.

"Milah your here early." He says looking back at me.

I look down at my feet and I feal Henry rub my arm.

"Mom do I need to go know?" Complains Amily.

"You know I think it's better to leave your dad alone on his date." Milah says bitterly.

I look up role my eyes.

"Really, you jealous Milah? First I got your boyfriend put in jail and know I stole you other boyfriend? Oh and plus we are only friends, you know me Milah." I say and walk closer to her.

"Right, this slut got pregnant with my old boyfriend. " She says chuckling at what I said.

"Yep, you can't say anything. You have a perfect family who loves you with all their hearts but you still got pregnant at a young age so you can't say anything." I say and put my hands on my hips.

She rolls her eyes and takes Amily's hand and trys to pull her away. Amily plants her feet and doesn't move.

"I don't honestly know how you won custody. I would rather go through Emma's life than live with you." She says and pulls her arms away from Milah and runs up to me and hugs me tightly.

I hold onto her tightly and just stare down Milah.

"Fine this will come back at you Miss. Swan." She says and stomps away.

Amily holds onto me tightly and I hear Killian sigh. I pull away after a while and smile shyly at Amily.

"I better get going, have lots of work to do know." I say and walk out.

I hear Henry talk to someone and then he runs to the car.

"Hey mom Killian was wondering if he could bring you home and work on the new comming lawsuit from Milah while I stay with Amily?" He asks.

"Ummm... fine why not." I say.

He runs back to the house and Killian gets in the passenger seat.

"Okay my lady, take me to El casa Swan." He says and smiles at me.

I sigh and role my eyes and drive to my house.

When we get to my house two other cars are pulled up infront of my house. I get out quickly and lock the door. I hear a little girl crying in the corner. I see Lara, I rush over to her and lift her up in my arms.

Sorry it's so long, I'm going to post a new chapter every other day. Go check out my other book called The Accident. Hope you like this chapter. Comment ur opinion.😊❤

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