Mission Failed

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~(F/N) POV~

As I sat there at the bar, drinking the beer that Mikey gave me, I kept an eye on that door. I have been running from the MP's since I was 8 years old, the year my mother dies and my abusive father dropped me. I have been steal and even murdering just to get by down here. Sometimes I wonder why I even try to stay alive, I don't deserve to live. I suddenly went into deep thought, not being aware that the MP's had slipped in. Mikey quickly called our secret signal, "I think ur cut off now my dear," and I looked up only to meet eyes with one of them. I slowly stood up and tried to sneak out the back.

"Hey, she's getting away!" one shouted behind me and I began to sprint. I quickly opened the back door and jumped out. However, that didn't work as well as I'd hoped, for some very tall and strong structure stopped me from getting out of the door. I fell backward and landed on my butt. When I looked up, I saw a man with blond hair and ocean blue eyes wearing a survey corps jacket standing over me. I smirked, 1....2....3.... go. 

I slid through his legs took the knife out of my boot and stabbed him in the leg before sprinting off. As I ran through the town, everyone got out of my way, they all knew who I was, and their fear fed my appetite. I jumped onto a stand then onto a roof and made my way to my house. I was almost there when suddenly I was on the ground trying to get my breath back. I had to react quickly to the knife that went whipping past me. A very short man with raven hair and piercing gray eyes was running at me with another knife. He was also wearing a survey corps jacket, when will they learn? 

I quickly began to fight with this man, both of us with a knife. He went for a jab to my shoulder but I ducked and ran behind him where I kicked his back and he fell. He was quick to recover and went back to me. Damn, I am getting tired. How can a human be this good? I took a quick second to look at him and I noticed his heavy breathing, so he is tired. I took this as an opportunity and went for a jab in the throat, but he was expecting me. He spun around me, grabbed my arms, pulled them behind me, cuffed me then smash me onto my knees, my face in a puddle. I growled but all he did was growl back. 

Soon, others wear the same jacket came over to him.

"Good work Levi." The blond one I stabbed began.

"Tch she is fucking tuff. Wait, what the hell happened to your leg?" The one they called Levi said.

"She stabbed me and bolted."

"Tch filthy brat." He said before kicking me. However, I was expecting this and trapped his leg in my legs. He lost balance and fell into the puddle with me. I chuckled a deep, maniacal laugh that could make the skin crawl.

"Your filthy now too, 'brat'" I chuckled out. He growled very low and got up. I was thrown into a cart and being brought toward the surface. I tried with all my strength to get out, but my fight with Levi left me weakened and exhausted. Damn you survey corps!

As we began to get closer, the sunlight hit my skin and I began to feel a warm sensation spread through my body that I have never felt before. It left tingles spreading like wildfire through my veins, head to toe. I try to hold it down, but I couldn't, and I smiled a big sincere smile. Little did I know, that my smile made that very stone-cold and rude Corporal sitting next to me feel the same way the sun made me feel. Not only him, but a certain blue-eyed commander gave a little smirk and hid a blush.  

Soon we made it to the town and I immediately got some adrenaline and curiosity, giving me the strength to sit up and stare out in amazement at all the smiling faces and happy families. I saw a little boy crying in an alleyway gripping a tiny bear, his face twisted in what seemed like fear. He looked just like my little brother, (B/N), and I suddenly felt a surge of power flow through me. I twisted my hands and the cuffs shattered like glass easier than I thought. They were stunned and I took that opportunity to jump out and run to the boy. He seemed frightened at first but quickly ran over and hugged my leg.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong sweetie?" I asked in a soft affectionate voice, giving a bright smile.

"I lost my mommy and I-I can't find her!" The little boy cried out. I glanced back and saw them just standing there, observing me. Tch, whatever I need to help this boy. I asked what his mom looked like and began to search. I found her and swiftly picked up the little boy and maneuvered strategically through the crowd to the worried mom. 

"Ma'am," I tapped her shoulder, "Is this your son?"


"Mommy!" The little boy jumped out of my arms and into hers. After a few moments, they both turned to me and bowed their heads in appreciation. I bowed back and went back to the cart. I sat down tied my hands together, not before stuffing a loaf of bread in my mouth and smiled at the two. They simply whispered a bit then turned back to me and ushered to the driver to continue on his journey. Why were they staring at me so weirdly? 

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter, I am still getting used to this ;3 I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and I would love it if you guys could leave some comments and likes! The picture at the top is the way I see my OC but you guys to do anything. Thanks for reading! ~ Author-chan

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