Chapter 8: Suspicious messages and encounters

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July 5, 4:35 PM
EU LCS studio, backstage

Today was the new game day for Origen and G2 since after my breakdown only the teams in the LCS Arena played their matches out. I felt bad that I attracted so much bad attention again, it's not like I already got recognized negatively. Surprisingly I found many understanding tweets from pro players, casters and fans which surprised me because I barely interacted with other players who aren't on my team or fans on twitter.

May John @EvildreamLoL 5h
Sorry for causing so much trouble and concern :( this time I'm ready to play against @G2esports!
I also feel sorry for those who can't make it there today, trying to win this series for u at least

Mateusz Szkudlarek @Kikis1205
Really sucks what happened with @EvildreamLoL , hope she's feeling better!

Joey Steltenpool @JoeyYoungbuck
get well soon @EvildreamLoL!

Kasper Kobberup @KobbeLoL
Hope @EvildreamLoL is feeling better, luckily it didn't happen on stage!

Since that incident the people in my environment paid unusually more attention to me. I had a long talk with Luka and he suggested that I confide to someone because I didn't want to tell him fully what was wrong me. Hesitantly I followed his advice and approached Glenn with it. After all, I trusted him the most which was weird because we only know us a few weeks, considering I knew the others much longer. I didn't tell him everything either, I don't think I'll ever be able to speak about Jesper. They made sure that I ate every meal and when I try to refuse, they don't even let me protesting. Honestly, I should be happy that so many people care for me, leading me through these tough times. I don't suffer under headaches, nausea, fatigue and dizziness anymore. But I still try to deal with what happened shortly before I passed out. Did he catch me when I fell? Or did he just run away like he did when he joined G2?

Initially, I really wanted to step down from my starting position. But then I realized that in spring the team always stayed together, even in darker times. This time it was my turn. I can't let my team down and I have to perform the best I can. It was time to forget these feelings and strike back. Having Glenn at my side was a relief, no one helped me so much than him and I can talk to him every day like we know us forever.

Unfortunately, this was the last time we were going with Nico as a coach on stage. We all decided together that it was better for all of us and that Araneae's coaching style is what we needed. I like Nico a lot, back when he joined us in February, he was always a nice and strict person at once.

Shorty before I had to go on stage to set up my gear I went to the toilet and met some people who asked me if I feel better now on my way. I always agreed, because I received new motivation and confidence.

Then the game began. I was on Ezreal, a comfort pick by me while Glenn went with Braum. Zven and mithy played Sivir and Karma which were usually Glenn and mine standard picks.

It started out surprisingly good even though I barely realized it until Trick ganked us. Glenn ended up dying but I was able to kill mithy and we traded support for support. But meanwhile Paul won heavily the lane with his Irelia and Maurice camped top for him.

We won early and mid game but after that we began to struggle. We destroyed top and mid inhibitor after a messy teamfight but weren't able to push further. So our call was nash but even with the baron buff G2 defended their base successfully multiple times. It was the Fnatic clown fiesta all over again. Step for step we teared their base apart.

After 68 minutes we finally destroyed the nexus, kinda in backdoor style with Paul running to the nexus while we baited a team fight and then ran to their nexus. We destroyed 13 towers in total and the whole game was a mess, especially Zven farmed with Sivir 945 CS.

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