That was it.

I could take no more of this panty-circus.

I placed a firm palm on both of their chests. "I do not need your help. Both of you, go find boy things to look at," I told them sternly. I wasn't exactly thrilled considering the trouble they could get into, out of my sight, but I seriously needed some alone time to select my underwear in peace.

Myrnin hesitated. I knew he didn't want to leave me by myself. I raised an eyebrow, silently reminding him that I was a vampire now and fairly certain I could handle whatever craziness Walmart decided to throw at me. For good measure, I added severely, "Do not return. I will find you, when I am ready."

He frowned, but followed Gwion as they walked away. I breathed a sigh of relief and quickly turned away from the lingerie rack, so that I could find a simple pair of panties. I considered purchasing a bra as well, but decided it wasn't really necessary since we would be home in another day or so. Before I could even barely begin to look, I heard the unmistakable shuffling of multiple footsteps coming up behind me.

What now?!

I turned around to find four young men.

This couldn't be happening, I thought in disbelief.

Was it too much to ask, to search for something to cover my ass, in peace? As I stared at their similar expressions of eager anticipation, I surmised, clearly the answer was yes.

They were all in jeans and actually fairly well built. If I had to guess, I suspected they were college age. The tall brown haired one was clearly the leader. He stood a little bit ahead, with the other three flanking his sides. He was actually quite handsome, and obviously used to having women respond favorably to him.

Trying a preemptive approach, I spoke calmly, "Look boys, I've had a really trying day. Trust me, you don't want to do this."

"Aw sweetheart, maybe I can make your day better. I love to cuddle," he murmured suggestively.

I rolled my eyes and offered, "Get a puppy."

He smiled wider at my resistance, and let his eyes slowly roam down my half naked body. While Myrnin's shirt covered all of my bits and pieces, it was still just a shirt and revealed quite a bit of my long legs. Obviously, Playboy took my appearance as an invitation and purred, "I appreciate this whole seduction thing you've got going on here, but let me give you a tip: I'm a sure thing."

I was too tired to even roll my eyes again and my head was beginning to ache a little bit. Five more minutes of this and I was going to eat one of them.

Myrnin and Gwion made no sound, but I knew the instant they were present behind me – because the expressions on the four gentlemen in front of me changed dramatically. I was completely shocked to find they wore a mix between anxiety, boredom and territorial anger, as though Myrnin and Gwion, had encroached on the hunting ground that was Walmart.

The irony was stunning, given the fact that they stood in front of the most lethal predators I knew. And if that were not enough, if they only knew how very absolutely I was already claimed. I held my breath, knowing I was not going to be able to stop whatever confrontation occurred next. Now the only thing that remained was to gauge their intelligence, in the face of being – what I felt was ridiculously obvious – outmatched.

"Oh look, I found your shirt," Gwion purred to Myrnin.

"Indeed, you did," Myrnin acknowledged silkily, before placing a hand gently on my lower back and teased, "Did you get thirsty, my dear?"

All The Queen's Horses {Myrnin, Morganville Vampires}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ