Chapter 26: Finding You

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Sana's POV:

DO found Tzuyu's car parked in the airport. We were so nervous that we didn't use our brains properly. I texted Lay Oppa where Tzuyu was. She was in Japan.

What would she be doing in Japan? I have a villa at one of the beaches so I booked myself a flight. The girls were coming with me, the boys decided to stay and keep guard of anything else.

We arrived in Japan and Jeongyeon showed me the details where Tzuyu was. We stopped by in my villa first to unpack and rest so that we can work full time.

I don't care if I miss my graduation though. I'll still get my diploma once I get back.


The girls and I left the villa and starred driving.

"It says here that this is where they booked Tzuyu's engagement thing. It's, somewhere in the north part of the region." Jeongyeon said, pointing at the tablet's screen.

That engagement. I don't wanna know any more of it.

A few hours of driving and we arrived at the resort. It was uncle Lee's resort. So I can just enter whenever I want. I'm his favorite niece anyway.

I checked the function room, she wasn't there, the restaurant, the bar, the beach. No sign of her. I asked the counter guy if she booked a stay here but he said no. She must've left already. While we were about to leave, Mina saw one of her friends in the pool.

"Mina!" She yelled. Oh wait, that's Chaeyeon. It's been a while since I've seen her. "Omo. Sana unnie?"

I smiled and waved at her. The two friends decided to hang out for a bit so we just stayed in the bar and drank. I went to the toilet to do my business since I drank too much. How was I not drunk that time?

I went out of the cubicle and washed my hands when a girl came out and left. She's pretty and slim. Damn.

I followed her out to see Tzuyu. She was waiting by the front counter of the lobby, the toilet was right behind the lobby. She didn't see me though. I walked closer and the girl hugged Tzuyu. Who is that girl?

Tzuyu just smiled a little and walked with the girl, who was clinging onto her arms. She was admiring Tzuyu.

Why did I see that? Why didn't she see me? How could she? Another heartbreak?

But maybe she's a best friend of hers. Chaeyeon and Mina are also best friends, they do those things too. I'll just forget about it and approach Tzuyu.

I ran behind them and tapped Tzuyu's shoulder. She turned around and had this shocked look on her face.

"Sana" she said my name but didn't smile. She still had this calm expression on her face.

"Why did you leave without tellung us? You made us worried pabo" I said as I hit her on the stomach.

"Sorry. But, what are you doing here?" She asked as the girl who was clinging onto her let go.

"Looking for you. And to apologize too, about what happened a few days ago." I put my hands together and looked down. I couldn't look at her straight after what I've done. Tzuyu held my hand and smiled, "I'm fine. It's my fault too. Seolhyun, please go, it's getting quite complicated... Right now" she said as she looked the the girl beside her.

Seolhyun?! That's her ex like two years ago! What the...

The girl left and Tzuyu dragged me towards her car. She opened the door of the back seat and we sat down there. Silence was filling the air.

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