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  I slowly opens my eyes "AHHH!" I screamed as a man towered over me looking at me. He quickly covered my mouth. "Shh." I calmed down seeing he was an American soldier. "I'm going to move my hand now, don't scream." He moved his hand. "Are you alright?"
I looked around "Lauren." I tried to stand.
"Don't." He said sitting my back down. I looked at him. "I'm Miles, by the way."He said nervously. I smiled "Elizabeth."
"Here." He said helping me up. He pulled my arm around his neck. I looked up at him. I quickly looked away. I limped through the woods over flowing with thorns.
"We're almost there." He said. "You'll like my brother. He's going to be a bit nosey but, that's just Jesse."
"MILES!" A boy ran over "Where've you been?" He laughed "and who's this?"
"Elizabeth, a nurse. She's hurt."
"I'm really not, I can't walk."
"No you cant."
Nurses I had worked with before came running over. She grabbed me and limped me over to a tent. I looked back as Miles talked to his brother. I laughed as Jesse teased him.
"Who's the boy?" Stacey said wiggling her eyebrows.
"He just found me passed out in the woods."
"And walked you all the way here, is sitting outside, and just asked me if you were ok when we both know your not going to die."
"He's just being nice."
"Mhmm." She laughed.
"I'm serious."
"You're also lucky." Stacey's mom came in killing the laughter "You could've been killed. It was at Gods will you went for a walk that night, or you'd be dead. All those girls died that night." She said slamming a box on the table "And for the record that boy is staring at this tent like something valuable is inside." Stacey and I giggled softly. "That doesn't mean my lecture meant nothing." She called leaving the tent.
"My lord." Stacey sighed sitting down. "I hate working with my mother."
"I wish I did." I said quietly.
"I'm sorry." She said realizing who she said that to "My mom can be a pain but her I a complaining to someone who doesn't have one."
    I rolled around in the creaky cot. I didn't dare sleep. Not after what happened. I had told Lauren to go to bed. If I had let her come with me she'd still be- I stopped myself. I stared up at the top of the tent.
   This is the typical time of night where I walk around. Lauren always knew when something was wrong. Always.

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