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I stood by the end of the lake. Jesse walked over to me. He skipped a stone across the lake. I chuckled. "You think you can do better?"
"As a matter of fact I think I can." I said picking one up. "Yours landed there?"
He nodded proudly.
"Alright." I focused on the lake studying it. I slipped the stone double his. "Yeah. You're right I totally couldn't beat yours." We both burst out laughing. "Did uh Miles tell you."
"Yeah." I said quietly as the laughter died.
"And." I said "I don't know. Am I just gullible."
"I wish, but it's true. When the camp was bombed Miles escaped without a scratch. Just think about it, have you ever seen either one of us hurt?"
"You have every right to not believe, but, would you. You know, go back to the spring?"
I shook my head "It's all so crazy. It'll all be over in a flash. I'll be leaving soon." I said turning away.
"You're what." He said grabbing my arm.
"I'm leaving soon. Ive got a family out there. I left them."
"Miles." We both said.
"Tell him I said goodbye." I sighed quietly slipping out of his grip.
Miles POV:
"Now it's bad enough she bows don't you go on letting her drink." Mae said.
"That poor child has had it hard enough."
"Well you don't have to worry about her no more." Jesse said running inside "She's leaving."
I raced out the door. "LIZ!" I screamed running down the path. I ducked low branches praying I'd find her. I sped up as I saw someone down the trail. I quickly grabbed her arm.
"Miles. What-Wahtre you doing?"
I looked into her eyes as she studied m face. "Please don't leave me."
Her face hardened "Miles."
I quickly kissed her. I cupped her chin looking into her eyes. "I can't let you go." I rested my forehead against hers.
"I have to go." She said quietly. I gently kissed her again.
"Please. Go back to the spring."
"I'm not letting you go unless you promise. Promise you'll go back to the spring. Promise?"
She looked up at me. I kissed her "I love you Elizabeth Taylor. I will always love you."
"Goodbye Miles."

Everlasting Return  (COMPLETED) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt