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Jesse POV:
  I won't lie. I loved that girl. I was almost jealous of Miles. I'll be honest the first time I met her I hoped I'd see her again. I did but she was with Miles. The important thing now is we get her back.
  We haven't seen Miles smile in years, let alone fall in love. He truly loves her. More than anything. If we don't get her back immortality will be living hell.

Mae's POV:
  She's truly touched our hearts. It only took a week for me to love her. I love seeing my boys happy again. She's like my daughter and I don't want to loose her but I also don't want her to be cursed like the rest of us. When or if she drinks I want it to be her decision. But I will ecstatic when she does.

Tuck POV:
The child truly is something. No one like I've met before. What the spring had done to her already is inhuman. She's been captured. Whipped for all to see. Tortured just I test her immortality, which is inexistent. I know my boys love her and she's coke so far, but war will follow and haunt her for the rest of her life.

Miles POV:
I parted my lips from hers. I rested my forehead against hers "Please don't leave me again." I begged quietly. "I love you." I whispered.
"I know." She said as the wind began to blow "But you have to let go Miles Tuck." With that she disappeared from me.
"I will love you until the day I die."

Everlasting Return  (COMPLETED) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن