Pargie - Destiny (Pt 2)

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Suddenly a pair of strong arms yanked me back from the open door I could see in the distance, I kicked and shouted profanities at my captor; freedom was so close yet so far. Tears streaked down my face as my sobs and screaming got louder and more hysterical, my throat was raw as I was forcefully dragged into a new room. I didn't know where I was but I don't care, Parv pushed me inside making me stumble and I heard the click of the door. I knew I couldn't escape and resorted to backing up against the wall in fear, I had finally given up and just whimpered when he cautiously approached me. I slid down the wall and pressed myself into the plaster as much as possible but he continued to get closer, he held his hands up in a surrendering way like I was an animal about to attack. "Please don't send me back." I muttered in barely a whisper, he smiled softly and stopped a few centimetres in front of me. He then crouched down to my level and placed a hand on my shoulder to which I harshly flinched away, he maintained the contact and gently rubbed my shoulder with his thumb. I took a shaky breath as I loosened into his touch, I made sure to study his every move to check he wasn't going to catch me off guard. He sighed before making direct eye contact with his dark brown eyes, he muttered something to himself and enveloped me in a loving embrace. I was too tired to fight back as the fatigue of exerting so much magic to open a portal to another dimension in the first place was starting to claim me with its grasp, I rested my forehead on his chest and calmed down by focusing on the constant rise and fall of his breathing. I shut my eyes and encircled my arms around his torso, after a few minutes both the physical and emotional strain took its toll and I slipped into the comforting darkness of slumber.

Timeskip two years

Kogie's P.O.V.~

Another blue fizz of light streaked through the air, only a few inches from my face. I tightly clutched my only way of survival - a feeble stick - and focused my energy, a crimson mist was drawn from the nodes I held in my pouch and accumulated at the tip of my wand in a wild swirling ball. With a flick of my wrist the ball flew at the green man in front of me; the glowing sphere got a direct hit to Smith's chest and cleanly sliced a large hole through his lungs, thick slime oozed out as he fell to his knees and spluttered - unintentionally coughing up more 'blood'. An emerald green patch was forming around the impact area at an alarming rate on his once pristine suit. The tall creature writhed in pain for a few moments whilst clutching the fatal wound, his fading blue eyes pierced my soul as all of his silent hatred was directed at me. He let out an animalistic yell before taking one last rugged gasp and collapsing face down, that's my fifth kill. Not matter how many times I do this it doesn't get easier. I've gotta remember that they're just gonna respawn, right? Even still, the pain he must've felt and the pure hatred in his eyes . . . The purple flakes of teleportation fluttering to the ground in front of me interrupted my thoughts and I spun on my heels to see the bulky silhouette of a cloaked figure only a metre away, he raised his hand and in a matter of seconds sent a shimmering purple blaze headed straight for me. I attempted to dodge out of the way but the flame caught my shirt. It set the fabric ablaze with a lilac flash of light that dimmed to reveal a similar coloured substance seeping into a previously made cut, it sent a searing pain that ripped through my arm and made my blood turn purple. The now toxic liquid began to travel through the veins in my shoulder; they pulsated as my body tried to fight off the enderborn's poison and the sight knocked me sick, it was a trademark spell of his that taints your bloodstream with a poison that will eventually kill you. It quickly surged through my system making me cry out in excruciating pain so to save me from the agony I pushed my wand against my temple, concentrating. I blocked out the wails and screams that have haunted me for the past two years, nullified the torment of my body tearing itself apart from the inside out. After a few moment of being locked inside my own headspace, I had summoned enough nodes to fire a strong spell straight through my brain.

Everything went white and an ear splitting ringing noise rang out for a minute or two before I could move, I groaned slightly as my aching limbs shifted beneath the soft red sheets of my bed. I swung my legs out to the side and used the bed to push myself to my feet, I stumbled a little still not being accustomed to the regeneration process and opted to lean against the stone wall. The other beds in the room appeared to sway provoking nausea, I keeled over and the contents of my stomach spilled out on the stone flooring. My throat stung, ears pounded, eyes watered but my insides still contracted forcing more out. I coughed and spluttered due to the lack of air but eventually I managed to regain myself, my trembling fingers closed into fists on the floor and I sobbed loudly. The noise bounced off the walls and echoed down the corridors, frantic footsteps pounded down the stairs and an extremely panicked Parv appeared by my side. He slung my arm around his shoulders and drew me to my feet, the room had settled and my nausea was fading by the second. I was almost carried up the stairs but I was too weak to protest that I could walk on my own, I wouldn't be able to walk on my own if I'm honest. He lead me to a bathroom that Will must've recently installed as I didn't know this existed, we just used the water that flooded the gate to wash. I twisted the tap and splashed the cold water on my face, after I dried it I brushed my teeth too to get rid of the horrendous taste I had in my mouth. Parv had disappeared, probably to go clean up the mess I made, but it didn't make sense. Why the hell would he look after me so much? Before this he just treated my like a friend and would've probably made Will help me, it honestly baffled me but then I remembered my Parv. My Alex, the one who could brighten my day just by grinning. The way he was always childish and energetic but when I needed it most he was calm and collected, the nights where he'd fall asleep on my chest whilst we were watching TV and I'd run my fingers through his hair. The way every single kiss felt like our first and when he thought I wasn't looking he'd gaze at me, and there were those nights too. Those were the best. I broke down once again and wailed at the loss of my other half, the fact that I now live in an almost apocalyptic war rather than in his arms. I gripped the edges of the white porcelain bowl tightly and forced myself to look into the mirror above it, I was a wreck. My eyes were distant and the skin around was blotchy and red, my hair was dirty and dishevelled and a shadow of a beard had started to grow. I looked like a heartbroken hobo, I did not like it one bit. Fresh tears breached my eyes as my weeping continued, I squeezed my eyes shut and gritted my teeth.
"Why did this happen to me?" I growled, I now had a new goal that I was determined to achieve. I'm going to open that portal and go home, I can't stay here forever.


I've got one more chapter of this before I'm putting a FiZone in the works, I was hoping to have this completely finished by today but stuff happened. The whole fight scene was completely different but I ended up speaking to an actual writer and they gave me some pointers and criticism to help me improve, I did and now I'm really happy with this chapter. I really want this done by Sunday max, no promises but I'm hoping so.

- Anthony

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