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Frank Iero liked to get into trouble. He had never been a good kid. He never listened to his mother or his teachers. He failed his classes and bought a guitar. He fell in love with music, but still continued to get into more trouble.

Frank was not only a musician but a wanted man. There was a huge reward waiting for the lucky individual who found Frank and turned him in, but Frank would never let that happen. Through years of practice, he became quite sly. He is the maser of disguise and is referred to as "the town villain."

Frank liked that title. Villain. He thought it suited him well and it made people fear him. Fear. If people feared him then he wouldn't have to fear anyone. Frank liked the idea of being fearless.

Of course, people only feared Frank at night. During the day, Frank was an average man, going about his day. Nobody actually knew who committed all of these crimes, and nobody suspected Frank because he was a good actor. He always played innocent and acted like he feared "the town villain" more than anyone.

Frank is clever and always had new ideas of how to break in somewhere or new disguises prepared. Frank had never been close to getting caught because he was experienced. He always timed things perfectly.

Frank never worried or got scared when he was out doing what he does best, but this time he was. This time, Frank would need a full proof plan. He needed more than one way to escape without getting caught. This plan could have zero flaws. For the first time in his life, Frank decided he would need some help.

That's why tonight he was about to do step one of his ultimate plan; Break into the prison and help a mass criminal escape. Frank knew just the guy to do it, too.

Gerard Arthur Way. Gerard had grown up being the friendly, innocent, comic book lover. But that gets boring after so many years. One day, Gerard changed his life around. He started by robbing his favorite comic book shop.

Robbing a comic book shop. Seems kind of stupid, right? Well, Gerard being himself, he didn't think so at the time. After becoming more experienced, he realized that robbing a comic book shop was ridiculous.

Gerard got away with vandalism and being a thief for several months. Nobody knew and nobody suspected Gerard. He was too innocent. The first person to find out about Gerard was his little brother, Mikey.

Mikey had caught Gerard sneaking out one night, so he decided to follow him. Mikey followed Gerard to a jewelry store. Mikey had watched Gerard from around the corner. Gerard had pulled a ski mask out of his jacket and put it on.

That's whenever Mikey realized that the person breaking into places and vandalizing things was his older brother. Mikey didn't know what to do. When Gerard broke the glass and the sirens went off, Mikey ran out of there. He went back home and back to his room.

Mikey didn't sleep that night. He waited for Gerard to return, but never did. The next morning, the Way family had gotten a call saying Gerard was caught robbing a jewelry store, and when the police got to him Gerard didn't know what to do, so he pulled out a pocket knife and stabbed one of the officers, killing him. Gerard has been in prison ever since then.

Frank had heard stories about Gerard. Gerard was very smart and creative, which is why Frank needed to bust him out of prison. Frank needed some creative ideas, and a partner.

Frank knew quite a lot about Gerard, actually. Frank had met Mikey a year or so back. Mikey had told Frank many stories about Gerard talked about what he was like now. Mikey said that Frank was the first person he had ever told his story about following Gerard to.

Mikey told him many stories about Gerard, making Frank want to get this guy out of jail more and more. Gerard sounded like a genuine guy who could be badass, but never as badass as Frank.

Frank had told himself that he would always be the baddest of the bad, no matter what. Gerard might've stabbed someone, but he was caught. Frank has never been caught and wasn't planning on it.

Now it was time for Frank to go over his plan again and again. He pulled out he map the drew of the prison. From talking with Mikey, Frank knew what row and what cell Gerard was staying in. He had it marked on his map.

Frank has been planning this for weeks. He constantly drove past the prison, taking pictures and studying it very closely. He has all of his pictures with him, which is what helped him find a way to get in and to get out without being caught.

Toward the time that the prison is closing, Frank planned on visiting it, and going straight for the bathroom. Nobody would notice him because he would just look like a normal visitor. He would lift up one of the vents and crawl inside the air ducts.

Frank had a map of the air ducts, so he would follow that. He would follow it to Gerard's row, and he would wait until the prison was closed and everyone was asleep. Frank heard the guards were very lazy, so if one dozed off, he would take their keys and find Gerard. He would unlock Gerard's cell, waking the prison guard.

Frank would have his gun on him, and he would shoot the guard with no hesitation. The two of them would take the chair the guard was sitting in and Frank would use it to get back into the air ducts. Then, Gerard would move the chair so it didn't look like they used it to climb up there. Frank would help Gerard into the air ducts and they would put the vent back in its place.

By that time, more guard would show up, and Frank and Gerard would he escaping. Of course, the prisoners might give them away or they might not. Either way, Frank was going to follow an air duct that led outside.

The two of them would sneak around the prison and then to the gate entrance. Of course, that would be the hard part. Everything would just have to be timed perfectly.

Then, they would exit the gates and get in Frank's car and drive back to Frank'a house, where things would go from there.

Frank repeated this plan in his head over and over again. He then nodded to himself. Looking out the window, he saw it was almost dark. It was time to go.

Frank exited his house and got into his car. He loaded his gun and put it inside his jacket. Smirking to himself, he drove off.

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