The sheriff sighed and cleared his throat. "Stiles...whats that on your back?" He asked calm. Stiles was confused at the question and looked behind him. "Lydia?" Stiles asked.

Lydia covered her face at how terrible the day was going for them already.

"No your back, not behind you," his father sighed out of frustration. Stiles furrowed his brows and turned to look at Lydia as he was asking for help.

"I'm sorry," she murmured. Stiles was more confused than ever and walked over to the closest mirror. He turned his back to the mirror and sighed. He would never admit it in that situation but he was smiling inside. He did a great job.

He walked back to the kitchen, seeing them all standing in the same position. "Okay, so what?" Stiles crossed his arms, getting tired of the situation. His girlfriend was standing in the kitchen all embarrassed and cold. This was her first time and she was already getting scolded with stares of his father.

"So what? Didn't we already have the talk?" His dad asked with a bit loud voice. Stiles sighed and looked over at Lydia who was standing and looking down with red cheeks. "Yeah, and we didn't do anything wrong," stiles exclaimed silently.

"Okay, just go get ready for school... the both of you," he looked at Lydia.

Stiles sighed and walked straight over to Lydia. He carried her bridal style out of surprise and up the stairs.

"Hmm... Stiles don't you thing that she can walk by herself," his dad asked from the kitchen.

"Not after what happened yesterday," Stiles mumbled and the sheriff accidentally heard it that made Allison giggle behind her hand.

"Stiles!" Lydia punched him slightly.


They were all sitting around the lunch table talking, laughing with each of their boyfriends and girlfriends. It was as if it all was too good to be true.

Kira and Isaac were feeding each other yogurt as Allison and Scott were being all cute and kissy. Lydia looked at stiles with dead eyes.

"Oh, I have to get the book from the library I told you about, I'll be back," she tried to escape being with the friends.

"No Just stay here, I'll get it for you," Stiles stood up and smirked as he walked away. Lydia was about to kill him for what he just did. He send her a blow kiss and she tried not to smile but of course she did.

Stiles chuckled and walked down the hall until he saw the big door to the library. He walked in and looked for the librarian to ask her for the book, but she wasn't there, So he had to find the book by himself. He looked through the dusty shelves and slid his finger through almost every book, looking for the letter "L"

When he found the book, he pulled it out and read the title as he walked out of the book section. Suddenly, he bumped into someone that made the book fall. He didn't look at the person in front of him, he just went down to pick it up. The persons hand picked the book up before Stiles did and read the title out loud. Stiles knew that voice and looked up. Malia.

He snatched the book from her and tried to walk pass her but she blocked the way. "Looking handsome," Malia smirked and walked forward.

Stiles huffed and looked her dead in the eyes. "Move."

"Rude," she acted like she got offended by his words. "Are you like that with your bitch as girlfriend as well?" She smirked.

Stiles fisted his hands as it was helping him controlling his anger. Don't hit a girl, Stiles.

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