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A sudden light disturbed Mark and Jack's slumber, gradually waking them up. The two were still sleeping in that small, one-person bed. Jack was laying on Mark's chest, and they stayed snuggled close together. They both tiredly opened their eyes and looked to see who turned the light on.

"Good morning! Time to wake up, love birds" Ken said kindly with a warm, friendly smile.

Mark and Jack both blushed and awkwardly looked away for a moment; Jack was about to say something but Ken spoke again "Don't worry, guys. You two are my friends; I think it's awesome that you're dating". Mark chuckled softly "Guess we just feel awkward for not telling anyone yet. Besides Matt and Ryan, you're the only person that knows about this".

Ken kept his smile "Well don't worry, your secret's safe with me". Jack and Mark both smiled "Thanks, buddy" The Irishman responded. "No problem" Ken replied, then looking at Mark "It's good to see you're awake! We were really worried for you there. Do you think you're well enough to get up? Mary fixed up some breakfast, and we wanted to discuss a plan while we ate. We've got two more days until those gang members show up...".

Mark and Jack both glanced at each other for a moment, almost forgetting about those threatening punks "Yeah, I'm alright. I could really go for some breakfast".


After everyone had ate, the kids of the survivor group went off to play, Mary went to watch them, and the rest of the survivors (including the three Youtubers) stayed at the kitchen table to discuss some sort of plan.

"They're heartless brutes; They'll never make a compromise with us. I say we fight back" A female survivor said, with determination and definition in her voice.

"It can't be that easy. We can't just fight and win" Another survivor said.

"We're at a farm aren't we? The barn is full of tools; y'know, automatic weapons" The girl responded.

"You're both right; we need to fight back, but it won't be that simple. I'm sure they have more fighting experience than all of us. We need a plan" Mark said. Jack nodded in agreement "The more the better; we'll gladly help you fight".

Ken smiled confidently "All we need to do now is arrange a plan. They'll never see it coming; we'll have their asses beat!".

The group then spent a few hours devising a plan; they even wrote down notes. They gave specific people certain jobs and positions, and they even developed a back up plan!

After those hours, Mark and Jack figured it'd be best if they headed back home. There wasn't enough food for two extra people, nor was there enough for Chica. They planned to come back on the day of the plan, specifically in the morning. Once they said goodbye to all the survivors, Mark, Jack, and Chica all got back into the "borrowed" car and headed back home.

They were just 30 minutes away when the car suddenly started to slow down, and then suddenly stopped. "Shit" Jack sighed "Wasn't even payin' attention to the gas" he muttered, since he was keeping his eyes strictly on the road as he drove, planning to veer away from any infected people if they had to.

"Out of gas? ...shit...guess we have to walk" Mark sighed, exiting the door and quietly whistling for Chica after he opened her door. Jack slumped in his seat, wishing they didn't leave the barn. He sighed and opened the car door, getting out of the vehicle.

The two men then started to walk back home, with Chica close by their side "I can carry you if you get too tired" Mark offered with a smile. Jack chuckled with an amused "Oh hush, I can walk". Mark just smiled a little more and continued to walk.

Eventually, after about 15 minutes of walking, they came across a rather large group of infected people, or "zombies". It wasn't too big, but it was definitely crowded enough for it to be a problem "Oh shit, what do we do?" Jack asked in a whisper. Chica growled lowly, the fur on her back standing up.

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