Cuddles and Cake

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Mark covered his face with his hands as he sat on the couch, stressful tears pouring from his eyes. Jack was hurt...badly....and without professional medical help, how was he going to pull through? His chances of dying were higher than his chances of living...

So naturally, Mark was hit with feelings of depression, anxiety, worry, doubtfulness, etc.

Mark opened his eyes when he felt the weight of Matt and Ryan sitting next to him press against the couch. He sighed sadly and uncovered his face, running his hand through his messy hair "..I-I'm so sorry I treated you two like shit....I...hope you know that I really care about you guys". Mark's gentle and honest words surprised the former Cyndago guys. They just sat down to comfort him about Jack; they didn't expect this. "..I was selfish...and....just a plain jackass" Mark covered his face again "I'm so so sorry. Daniel would fucking disappointed in me".

"It's okay, Mark...we forgive you" Matt said softly, wrapping an arm around him and giving a friendly, comforting hug. Tears coated Ryan's eyes as he sighed and also hugged Mark, feeling awful for yelling at him earlier.

Mark fetl a small bit of warmth in his heart as he was hugged. He sighed and relaxed, doing his best to enjoy this comforting moment with his friends. The three men just stayed like that for a bit, before quietly talking and trying to make each other feel better. They were all worried for Jack.


3 Days Later

Jack felt pain in his whole upper body as he slowly woke up and opened his eyes. The pain was just soreness, so nothing unbareable, but nothing comfortable. "Fuck...what happened?" Jack mumbled quietly to himself as he looked around the room. He immediately noticed the medical breathing mask that was on his mouth and nose. He also saw that he was laying in Mark's bed, and when he looked down at himself, he saw that his shirt was off, and his whole chest was wrapped in thick, white bandages. The Irishman moved a little, wincing slightly at the stiff feeling of his arms and back. He must've been laying down for a while. Jack felt his face with his hand, feeling that bandages were also there. What happened?

Just then, the bedroom door slowly opened, revealing Matt. The young man's eyes widened "Jack?" he quietly closed the door behind himself "Oh my god, you're awake!".

Jack looked at Matt in confusion and slight worry "Matt? W-What happened?".

Matt sat down in a chair that was sitting next to the bed "You...were..." he sighed "Mark saved you from a burning building. You...almost died" he replied "You don't remember?".

After that little explanation, all the memories came flooding back to Jack's head "Shit...I remember now..." he said softly "O-Oh, where's Mark? Is he okay?".

"He's out right now. He's getting more food" Matt replied.

Jack felt a twinge of worry, not liking the fact that Mark was outside "U-Uh....h-how long have I been asleep?".

"...3 Days..." Matt responded as he glanced away, feeling sorry for the Irishman.

Jack looked down sadly and nodded. Fuck...unconscious for three days? They must've been so worried for him..."Where did you guys get this breathing mask...?".

"Oh, an actual doctor stopped by our house just hours after Mark saved you. He said the government was sending out professionals to help survivors....or something" Matt replied "If he didn't stop by, you...probably wouldn't have made it" he explained softly.

Geez, how lucky was he for an actual doctor to help him in the middle of the apocalypse? Way too lucky, one was complaining.

"W-Wow..." Was all Jack could think to reply with "Um, when do you think Mark will be back?".

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