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Jack smiled when he stepped into the kitchen and saw Mark playing on his phone. He's been staying at Mark's house for a week so far, and they've already made tons of videos and had lots of stupid fun. "Mornin' Mark" Jack said with his usual cheery tone as he walked in to get some coffee.

Mark glanced up from his phone for a split second, before looking back down "Oh, morning" he said, almost flatly. Jack expressed a mix of confusion and semi-surprise. He took a good look at Mark, quickly realizing what he was actually doing.

The Irish YouTuber sighed "Mark, everything will be fine. Don't worry, dude" he said, trying to make his friend feel better "You're obssessing over the news" he said with a bit of a chuckle.

Mark sighed "I know. I'm just...really paranoid for some reason and I don't know why" he said, exiting out of the article that was about the disease discovered a little over a week ago.

"It's okay, man. I totally get that. It would be worse if you completely ignored what was happening" Jack said "Is there anything super worrying happening with the disease?" he asked as he made coffee for himself. He would've also made coffee for Mark, but Mark had already done that.

"Eh...sort of. They're discovering new symptoms".

Jack's eyebrow raised in interest "Symptoms? Like what?".

Mark exhaled deeply "the article says: distortion of the mind, an abnormal hunger, and an inability to recognize loved ones" his dark brown eyes nervously glanced up at his Irish friend, who was sharing the same look of worry.

"Damn...sounds like a horror movie. How many people have been affected by it?".

"Only two so far" Mark responded, then checking his twitter. He needed something to distract him.

Jack nodded "Well that's good. It could always be worse" he then sat down at the table.

After that, a short moment of silence transpired through the room. Jack would occasionally glance at Mark when he was distracted by his phone. Shit. He wanted to talk more; he felt like he could've done more to cheer Mark up, but he doesn't want to annoy him. Dammit. Jack hated to admit that he had feelings for Mark. That was the whole reason Signe and him broke up. Signe felt like Jack didn't truly love her, and Jack feels torn about it. He wanted to tell Mark how he felt so badly....but...

"You alright, Jack?" Mark asked softly, seeing how his friend was blushing deeply and nervously looking down at his phone.

"Oh-! Uh...y-yeah, I'm fine. I guess uh...that new disease just kinda spooked me" Jack lied with a forced, yet nervous and quiet chuckle.

"Oh. Sorry if I got you all nervous. You were right, I shouldn't have been obssessing over it" Mark said with a faint smile.

Jack couldn't help but return the little smile.

"Fook me, why does he have to be so goddamn handsome?" Jack thought.

"Damn, I'll never get over that adorable smile" Mark cleared his throat after that thought, knowing that his face was probably slowly going red from blush "You sure you okay? I didn't mean to scare you".

Jack chuckled softly "Scared? Me? Ha, never!" he boasted jokingly, trying his best to lighten the mood; it was really starting to get awkward.

Mark returned the chuckle "Pfft, right. Says the guy who has a fear of heights, but not a fear of falling".

Jack laughed softly "Shut up" he said playfully with a bright smile "At least I'm not afraid of plastic statues!".

Mark crossed his arms and rolled his eyes "Oh please, sit in a dimly-lit room with a bunch of mannequins and see if you don't have a phobia of them within just 30 seconds".

Jack laughed softly, and so did Mark. Soon, the fear of that disease was discarded into the back of their brains. After they stopped laughing, something almost involuntary made Jack speak "Hey, Mark...Can I tell you something?".

"Sure, man. You can tell me anything".

Wait. SHIT. Jack almost froze in his chair "Um..." he tried his best not to become a stuttering mess. Was he really going to do this? Even if Mark didn't like him back...they'd still be friends, right...? Of course! Dammit, Jack. Quit being so paranoid. Just tell him already.

Jack exhaled heavily "I uh...haven't told anyone else this, but...".

Mark's eyes lit up in concern and honest worry for his friend.

"The...whole reason Signe and I split...was because..." Jack's eyes adverted away "...she...thought that...I...had feelings for someone else" he sighed " be's....sort of true" Jack explained, keeping his eyes away, although he knew Mark was looking straight at him with full attention.

"The truth is...I...have feelings for..." Jack finally looked at Mark, wanting to immediately look away out of fear "...y-you" he mumbled, almost incoherently.

Mark's eyes widened. The moment of silence returned as Mark's brain tried to register Jack's words. Did he really just say that? "Really? ....You...have feelings for me? Like...feelings" he glanced away for a moment "attraction?..." he asked quietly. Jack looked away and just slowly nodded. His nervous expressions changed into sorrow. He felt like Mark was rejecting him. Just great. Now the rest of the month would be awkward.

Mark quickly picked up on Jack's expression, knowing that he was probably feeling humiliated and reretful.

For the longest time, Mark has had a crush on Jack, but...he could never tell him, since Jack was dating Signe. Mark leaned in a little closer and lightly pecked Jack on the cheek "I like you too, Jack".

Jack's eyes widened in surprise and his face flushed a deep pink "R-Really?".

Mark smiled and nodded "Yeah....I've...actually had a crush on you for a while" he said, blushing deeply and rubbing the back of his neck "I never knew how to tell you, and...when I found out you had a girlfriend, I just...pushed back my feelings I guess".

Jack smiled happily "R-Really?? O-Oh my god, I never thought you'd ever actually feel the same way!".

Mark kept his wide smile "I never thought you'd feel the same way about me!" he said with a little bit of laughter.

Jack laughed along with him "So...does this mean we're...?".

"Dating? Yeah, I would think so" Mark interrupted, smiling sweetly "I would hope so".

Jack giggled lightly and moved closer to Mark, wrapping his arms around the other and hugging him close. They've hugged many times before, but this hug felt different. In a great---almost romantic---way.

Mark couldn't help but giggle along with Jack as they hugged. Mark smiled lightly down at Jack and gently lifted his chin with his thumb and index finger. Jack blushed deeply and smiled widely, looking back up at Mark. Mark then gently pressed a kiss to Jack's lips, holding the Irishman lovingly close. The two YouTubers soon closed their eyes as they kissed, just peacefully enjoying the moment. After a little while of kissing, Mark and Jack pulled away. "Wow..." Jack mumbled, his eyes sparkling.

Seeing Jack's adorable, innocent smile made Mark giggle "I was just about to say that" he said with a grin. Jack happily snuggled into Mark's chest, still blushing " you, Mark". Mark returned the little cuddles "I love you too, Jack. I've wanted to tell you that for a long time". Jack sighed in content, never wanting to let go "Heh...the fans are going to freak out".

For some reason, that got Mark to laugh "Geez, I didn't even think about that. ...and our friends too" he said, thinking about how everyone might react.

Jack looked up at his new boyfriend "When should we tell everybody?". Mark's smile faded "Hm....I don't know. Maybe we should wait to tell our fans. We can tell our friends the next time we see them...I guess". Jack shrugged "Alright. Sounds good to me". Mark smiled lightly again "So watcha wanna do, handsome?". Jack giggled again "Maybe we should record some more videos" He said with a smile, before pulling away and looking at Mark with a loving expression. Mark nodded "Good idea. Don't want your good looks distracting me from our uploading schedule" he said teasingly. Jack laughed and playfully shoved Mark's shoulder "Pfft, shut up".

{Apocalypse} Septiplier FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang