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"Hello everybody" Mark said softly, his voice dull "I know you're all probably confused as to what's going, I wanted to make this video just to update you" he slightly gestured towards Jack, who was sitting next to him, his expression saddened and defeated "Jack is still here with me, and he's not going to be able to go back home until all of this blows over". Mark explained as he looked into the camera, only being able to see it with his right eye.

"If you didn't already know, there's a disease that's been spreading through California...and it's...been turning people into..." Mark sighed, not wanting to say the word "...For lack of a better word: zombies". Jack almost winced at hearing that word. He couldn't believe any of this was actually happening. "Right now, Jack and I are fine. We just wanted to let you guys know that we are currently safe. Unfortunately, we won't be able to make any new videos. That's how bad the situation is right now". Mark then remembered something "Oh, um..." he glanced away, then back at the camera "and...about my eye...".

Jack's heart wrenched and his throat tightened.

"I'm fine. I was just..." Mark didn't want to worry his fans, but he really didn't want to lie to them either "...attacked by a dog. But, like I said before, I'm fine". Mark sighed "We'll be posting updates on our social media...and we'll try to stay in contact with you guys in any way we can. We really care about you all; we want you guys to know that we're okay...and we want to know if you're all okay".

Jack nodded, finally deciding to speak "If you live in California....please be safe. It's very dangerous to go outside right now". Mark nodded in agreement "Yeah. Our hearts go out to all of you who are going through this....madness". He looked back at the camera "Hopefully this'll all blow over soon. We'll make another video for you guys if anything important happens" Mark said, finally smiling a little.

Jack tried to smile as well "Thank you so much for all your concerns. You guys are awesome". Mark nodded "Well, I guess that's all. We'll see you all in the next video" he said with a soft smile, before finally turning off the camera.

As soon as the recording was stopped, Jack's smile went away and he sadly looked to the ground. Mark turned to the Irishman "You okay, Jack?". Jack shrugged a little "Yeah...I'm okay. I'm just...worried". "I'm worried too....but, we'll be fine. I promise" Mark responded, trying to make his lover feel better. Jack's smile slightly returned. He wrapped his arms around Mark and hugged him close "If you say so".

Mark smiled and returned the hug "How about we eat some breakfast? I'm sure we have enough food left for today". Jack nodded in agreement "Okay...but what do we do when we run out of food?". Mark gave Jack a nervous, unsure look "I guess...we'll just have to go outside again to get some more". Jack's expressions saddened, being reminded of the horrible events that took place when they went outside. He rested against Mark's chest, nuzzling his face into his neck "But what if you get hurt again?". Mark exhaled "Jack, we're going to have to go outside eventually. I'm not going to lie to you; I have no idea if something like that will happen to us again, but we have to go back out. We'll starve if we don't".

Jack didn't feel much better. The seriousness of this situation hit him hard. They were going through an actual apocalypse. He never thought he'd be caught in the midst of all this. He sucked in a quiet breath, preventing him from tearing up "O-Okay".

Mark sighed, knowing he didn't really comfort Jack just then "I just wanted to tell you the truth, Jack...because I don't know if everything will be okay. I don't want to make false promises". Jack's tears returned as he listened to his boyfriend speak in his gentle, deep voice "But, I can promise you that I will do everything I can to keep you safe".

"Us  safe" Jack muttered.


"We're going to do everything we can to keep us safe" Jack said, looking up into Mark's chocolate brown eyes "I don't want you working yourself to death to only keep me safe" Jack lightly kissed Mark's lips, before soon pulling away. Mark smiled "Heh, Ok, you're right. I promise I'll keep the both of us safe". Jack smiled and snuggled close to the American "I love you Mark". "I love you too, Jack" Mark gently kissed Jack's face, making the younger male blush a little.

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